
Automatically start your favorite game launcher at just the right moment.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Build Release


Are you tired of looking for your wireless keyboard and mouse when bringing your gaming rig into the living room? Do you wish you could automatically launch steam in big picture mode when streaming games with Parsec? Maybe you're just tired of opening Playnite every time you connect your controller? If this is you, you're in the right spot!

AutoGame, put simply, will listen for system events and start your favorite game launcher at just the right moment.


Note: This app is only available for Windows.

Download and run the latest installer from the releases page.


When AutoGame starts the first time it will show this window:

Configuration Window

From here you can choose your game launcher, set it's installation path, add custom arguments, and choose when you want it to open. When you're done, click OK. Now AutoGame will run at startup and automatically minimize to the system tray.


If you found this software helpful and you want to give back, feel free to buy me a coffee!