VS Code Dev Containers: Node 18 + TypeScript 4.9

This is a demo project with the following features.

  • Node 18 LTS
  • TypeScript 4.9
  • VS Code Dev Containers
  • ESM with "type": "module"
  • Run with ts-node
  • Unit tests with jest

Shout out to felipeplets/esm-examples and this StackOverflow answer for guidance.


VS Code Extensions

Opening a project with Dev Containers

When you open a project (like this one!) that uses Dev Containers you might see a pop-up like this one:

pop-up: reopen in Dev Containers

If you do not see this pop-up, you may not have the Dev Containers extension installed. You can still reopen the project with the command palette.

command palette: reopen in Dev Containers