
A demonstration of a Python Flask application with queuing and polling.

Primary LanguagePython

Python RQ Demo

System Requirements

  • There are four Docker containers for this application. You will need to have the appropriate Docker desktop for your system. The Docker binaries will need to be in your PATH, including the docker-compose function.
  • This program was written using Visual Studio Code. While not required that you use this editor, it will make development easier.
  • You will need a version of Python >= 3.6 on your host system. Both python and pip will need to be in your PATH.

Running the Application

Clone the Repository

git clone git@github.com:jarrettmeyer/python_rq_demo.git
cd python_rq_demo

Install and Activate VirtualEnv

pip install virtualenv
virturalenv venv

The activation script will vary on your system. On Windows, the following command will activate the virtual environment.


Your mileage may vary.

Start the Application Containers

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

The -d flag will run the containers in the background. To the following command will show the logs for a given container.

docker-compose logs <service-name>


docker-compose logs --follow <service-name>

Set a FLASK_APP Environment Variable

On Windows...

$env:FLASK_APP = 'web.py'

Set Up the Database

Run the database migrations. This will update the database schema, adding tables, sequences, indexes, etc. for the application. Migrations are managed with Flask-Migrate.

flask db upgrade

Open Your Browser

Finally, open your browser to http://localhost. You should now see the application up and running successfully.

To Stop the Application

The down command will bring down all running containers.

docker-compose down

Questions, Comment, etc.

Send questions to jarrettmeyer at gmail dot com.

Send bugs to Github issuess.