Webpack Demo

This is a demo for creating a project using Webpack. It utilizes JavaScript modules for clearer code and portability.

Running the First Time

First, you will need NodeJS installed on your system. This program is compatible with version 8.11.* LTS.

Installing NodeJS will also install the Node Package managaer - NPM. This will add the npm command line tool to the Windows path. From a command line, enter the following command to install the dependencies.

$ npm install

Available Commands

The following commands are available for this demo. They should work from both the Windows and Mac/Linux command line.

npm run build

Alias to npm run build:dev.

npm run build:dev

Create a development build. The output will be saved in the dist/ folder.

$ npm run build:dev

npm run build:prod

Create a production build. The output will be saved in the dist/ folder. See the Webpack documentation for details on the differences between development and production build.

$ npm run build:prod

npm run start

Run the program. This will create a development build of the program, and it will use a watch to keep the bundle up to date and refresh your browser window.

$ npm run start

npm run test

Unit tests are written in Jest. Jest requires tests to be written in NodeJS-compatible module syntax, so the babbel-jest plugin is required change ES6 modules to Node modules.

The output should be similar to the following. Hint: more tests may have been written since this README was last updated.

$ npm run test

> npm-web-demo@1.0.0 test C:\work\webpack-demo                   
> npx jest                                                       

 PASS  tests\stringifyArray.test.js                              
  √ returns a simple string - [1, 2] (7ms)                       
  √ returns a nested array - [[1, 2], [3, 4]]                    
  √ returns a deeply nested array - [[1, 2], [3, 4], [[5]]] (1ms)
  √ can stringify an empty array (1ms)                           

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total                                   
Tests:       4 passed, 4 total                                   
Snapshots:   0 total                                             
Time:        2.294s                                              
Ran all test suites.