
Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type is a Wordpress plugin for Buddypress.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type ===
Contributors: donmik, dabesa, briannaorg
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=donmik%40gmail%2ecom&lc=GB&item_name=donmik%20%2d%20Plugin%20Buddypress%20Xprofile%20Custom%20Fields%20Type&no_note=0&currency_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest
Tags: buddypress, xprofile, fields
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 2.6
License: GLPv2 or later

Buddypress 2.5 required! This plugin add custom field types to Buddypress Xprofile extension. Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url, ...

== Description ==

= Buddypress required! (v2.5 at least) =

This plugin add more fields type to Buddypress extension: Xprofile. The fields type added are:

* Birthdate.
* [Email](http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/input.email.html "Input type email - HTML5").
* [Web](http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/input.url.html "Input type url - HTML5").
* [Datepicker](http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-html-markup-20130528/input.date.html "Input type date - HTML5").
* Custom post type selector.
* Custom post type multiselector.
* Checkbox acceptance.
* Image.
* File.
* [Colorpicker](http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-html-markup-20130528/input.color.html "Input type color - HTML5").
* Decimal number.
* Number within min/max values.
* Custom taxonomy selector.
* Custom taxonomy multiselector.
* Range input (slider)
* [Select2 javascript plugin](https://select2.github.io/) for select boxes.

Works with [BP Profile Search](https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-profile-search/ "BP Profile Search plugin"). [Available on Github](https://github.com/donmik/buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type "Feel free to contribute"). If you need more fields type, you are free to add them yourself or request me at miguel@donmik.com. Follow me: [donmik.com](http://donmik.com "Follow me") or [@kimnod](http://twitter.com/kimnod "Follow me on Twitter")

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin to your 'wp-content/plugins' directory
2. Activate the plugin
3. Go to Users > Profile Fields
4. Create or Edit a field (default buddypress field Name don't allow changing type, it will not work here).
5. In Field Type select, you can see new field's type.
6. For select2, you can see a new box below submit button only with selectbox, multiselectbox,
custom post type selector, custom post type multiselector, custom taxonomy selector and
custom taxonomy multiselector.
6. Enjoy!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==


== Changelog ==

= 2.6 =
* Improve the checks made during activation. Buddypress 2.5 is required and Xprofile component needs to be enabled.
* If you use select2 javascript plugin and a multi custom taxonomy selector field type, you can now allow users to insert new tags.

= Previous versions =
* <http://donmik.com/en/buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type/#changelog>

== Upgrade Notice ==
* Improve the checks made during activation. Buddypress 2.5 is required and Xprofile component needs to be enabled.
* If you use select2 javascript plugin and a multi custom taxonomy selector field type, you can now allow users to insert new tags.