EvaDB Slack Bot

This bot 🤖 allows users to ask questions about PDFs 📄 using EvaDB.

EvaDB: https://github.com/georgia-tech-db/evadb.

EvaDB enables software developers to build AI apps in a few lines of code. Its powerful SQL API simplifies AI app development for both structured and unstructured data. EvaDB's benefits include:

  • 🔮 Easy to connect EvaDB with your SQL database system and build AI-powered apps with SQL queries
  • 🤝 Query your data with a pre-trained AI model from Hugging Face, OpenAI, YOLO, PyTorch, and other AI frameworks
  • ⚡️ Faster queries thanks to AI-centric query optimization
  • 💰 Save money spent on running models by efficient CPU/GPU use
  • 🔧 Fine-tune your AI models to achieve better results

👋 Hey! If you're excited about our vision of bringing AI inside database systems, show some ❤️ by:


Local Host

Note: requries ngrok

1) Export your Slack Bot Token and Signing Key to the environment

export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<your-slack-token>
export SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=<you-slack-siging-secret>

2) Load the PDF datasets into EvaDB

Refer EvaDB Docs

3) Start Flask server

FLASK_APP=slack_client.py FLASK_ENV=development flask run -p <port-number>

4) (Optional) Expose your Public IP

ngrok http <port-number>