
New features requests

Remiol opened this issue · 6 comments

Remiol commented

I would like to request some new features:

  • Deleting a bookmark if there is a certain error code or title or tag.
  • Putting the error code in a tag
  • Putting all deleted bookmarks in an external file
  • Testing whether a link is redirected and changing the current bookmark to the redirected bookmark
    (this also solves the problem that many old "http" URLs have been updated to "https" URLs
  • Updating a bookmark only if there is no title (Untitled) or with a certain title or tag

ps: Is Buku still actively maintained?

jarun commented

Yes, it is active. Though I have forgotten python I do the reviews and work on the feature-set, @LeXofLeviafan does a great job in maintaining the code alsmost single-handed. I don't see @rachmadaniHaryono around for almost a year now.

Please let us know if you are interested in contributing to the project.

Regarding these features – when are these actions meant to be invoked? As in, manually (e.g. by a CLI command/WebUI button)? Or after a certain event (e.g. like the current default behaviour of adding a link fetches remote metadata)?

Remiol commented

Regarding these features – when are these actions meant to be invoked? As in, manually (e.g. by a CLI command/WebUI button)? Or after a certain event (e.g. like the current default behaviour of adding a link fetches remote metadata)?

Thank you for your reply.
It is meant to be invoked by a CLI command.
(Buku 4.7.1 - Python, windows pc)

Remiol commented

Yes, it is active. Though I have forgotten python I do the reviews and work on the feature-set, @LeXofLeviafan does a great job in maintaining the code alsmost single-handed. I don't see @rachmadaniHaryono around for almost a year now.

Please let us know if you are interested in contributing to the project.

Thank you very much for your response.
I am not really a Python expert.
I use Buku because it finds bookmarks much faster and is applicable for all browsers and portable.

Come to think of it, the third option only makes sense for a batch delete command…

Is this meant as a single batch operation? I.e.:

  1. User invokes a CLI command, specifying parameters to adjust its behaviour
  2. Buku iterates over the bookmarks (all or matching the request parameters)
  3. If the record matches data deletion criteria, it's added to the list; otherwise, Buku attempts to fetch the URL
    • if the fetched URL returns a permanent redirect (HTTP 301/308), the URL in the record is updated
    • if the URL returns a specified error HTTP code (404, 403, 4xx), it's also added to the list (optionally adding a tag of specified format, e.g. HTTP {error})
  4. If requested, the list is exported into an external file
  5. If requested, the records in the list get deleted from the DB

P.S. You seem to have created a similar request not long ago (#701); is this one meant as a generalization of that functionality?

Remiol commented

Indeed #701 is now no longer necessary with feature #702.

It would be great if the above options were available separately:

  • If the fetched URL returns a permanent redirect [HTTP 301/308], the URL in the record is updated
  • If requested, put the error code [HTTP 4xx] or redirect code [HTTP 301/308] in a tag
    (in this case you can also export bookmarks and delete or sort the bookmarks in a text editor depending on the error code
    tag) and import them again
  • If requested, delete bookmark(s) if any of {specific} error codes or all these {specific} error codes are returned

This option can be combined with the above features (or separately):

  • If requested, export bookmark(s) if {specific} error codes are returned just to keep a copy of the tagged, deleted or redirected
    bookmarks (before and after redirection)