
Primary LanguageJavaScript


An interface for loading Javascript (notably D3 visualizations) into Jupyter Notebooks. Supports transferring data from Python Jupyter cells to Javascript—and back.

Getting Started

  1. Install Jupyter notebook
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/hdc-arizona/roundtrip.git
  1. Start the example jupyter notebook:
jupyter-notebook roundtrip/Examples/ExampleNotebook.ipynb

On load, you may need to clean the output by running Restart & Clear Output from the Kernel menu in Jupyter.

Running the cells in the example will demonstrate:

  1. Loading Roundtrip
  2. Loading a sample visualization
  3. Fetching data out of visualizations

Using Roundtrip in your Notebook

To use with your own notebook:

  1. Copy vis_interface.py and require.config into the same directory as your notebook.
  2. Add a new cell and run the magic command %load_ext vis_interface
  3. Use the magic commands %loadVisualization and %fetchData to use this interface (for loading Javascript files and fetching data from Javascript into python)

The %loadVisualization and %fetchData commands are described below.

Loading Visualizations

The command for loading visualizations (or any HTML or Javascript file) is %loadVisualization. It requires at least two arguments, a nameID for the loaded set and the files and arguments themselves (inputX).

%loadVisualization nameID inputJSfile input1 input2 ...

Input may be of type:

The focus of Roundtrip is Javascript, but the other files may be useful for structuring your visualization and adding data. None but the single Javascript file (inputJSFile) is required. The inputJSFile should be your driver code, all other Javascript files will merely be sourced (i.e. to access values)

The input list may also include parameters to be passed to the Javascript file. See the Javascript section for details.

HTML and CSS files will automatically be sourced and applied to the current visualization. Jupyter's CSS stylings may conflict with our your own (try using !important).

CSV and JSON files are also sourced and then passed as file names, meaning that one can access the contents by using something like JQuery.

For example, if one was to pass input.js as input1 (see above) containing the code

var x = 12;

Then one could use the following in their driver Javascript code:

$.getScript(argList[0], function(){ use the value 'x'}

For CSV files the idea is similar:

(i.e. $.getScript(argList[0], function(data){ var valuesFromCSV = data.split(,); someCallBack(valuesFromCSV)})


If you want to load a Javascript file then the following should be placed around your code:

(function(element) {
  require(['d3'], function(d3) {
    //Your code here

Note the use of require here. The argument should be a list of all the keys specified in require.config (i.e. in the Examples, d3 listed as a requirement). The key-value pairs you put inside require.config will be used for the "paths" section for RequireJS. For instance, if you have a local version of jquery (same directory as vis_interface), one could put "jquery: 'jquery-1.9.0'" (without the outer quotes) in require.config. One can also use CDN links, but they must declare themselves properly (see RequireJS for more info on the "paths" section)

The parameter element is the div in which the javascript will be contained. For example, to add an svg using d3, you can then in your code add:

var mySVG = d3.select(element).append('svg');

Note: that element is the go-to variable to select. Javascript code commonly uses a call to .select('body') or some id'd div when you are trying to append an svg. You must use element.

Passing Arguments to your input Javascript

Arguments may be passed to the Javascript as input parameters on the loadVisualization command. Once in Javascript, they can be accessed through the Javascript argList.


%loadVisualization myVis0 walkThroughArgList.js 1 2 3 4

This above line can be interpreted as passing the arguments 1, 2, 3, 4 to the Javascript file walkThroughArgList.js. To access these values, traverse the argList inside walkThroughArgList.js:


(function(element) {
  require(['d3'], function(d3) {
    for (var i = 0; i < argList.length; i++) {
      // Do something with argList[i]
    //...more code here...

See walkThroughArgList.js in the Examples notebook for a demonstration.

All arguments are interpreted as strings. To use a python variable's value as one of the arguments, see Python values


HTML files may have a style section but otherwise should be treated as children to a <body> element.

Python values

For Python values and constants, use % to pass the value of the variable. For example, if your Python variable is called sum, use %sum. Note the value will be passed as a string.

Fetching Data

The fetchData command allows you to retrieve data from the Javascript cells you created using their nameID. Data from the variable javascriptVariableToFetchFrom in the nameID cell will be set in pythonVariableToFetchInto.

%fetchData (nameID, pythonVariableToFetchInto, javascriptVariableToFetchFrom)

Note the space between %fetchData and the argument list.

A cell with a %fetchData call must be run before pythonVaraibleToFetchInfo is populated. It cannot be used again within the same cell.

Both values will be passed as strings.

The Javascript variable must be globally accessible from the Javascript files associated with nameID:

var toBeFetched = {
  x: "",
  y: ""

(function(element) {
  require(['d3'], function(d3) {
    // ... code here ...

    toBeFetched.x = // some value
    toBeFetched.y = // some value

    // ... more code here ...
