
Simple Web Crawler/Sniper using C++ and Socket

Primary LanguageC++

Web Crawler

A simple web crawler in C++, using basic C++ socket programming.


  • crawler.cpp: main file, to manage threads, base URLs and to do the scheduling.
  • parser.h/cpp: includes URL parser, URL extractor from HTTP Raw Response, etc.
  • clientSocket.h/cpp: to discover pages of a website; create the socket, connect to server, send and receive HTTP messages, etc.


Custom setting is defined inside config.txt

  • crawlDelay time delay for fetching pages of same host.
  • maxThreads maximum threads, not includes the main thread.
  • depthLimit maximum depth to crawl; depth refers to the shortest distance/connection of a website to one of the starting sites.
  • pagesLimit maximum number of pages to discover in each site.
  • linkedSitesLimit maximum number of linked sites to discover; a website may discover a lot of more sites, the cost to discover all of them is too much.
  • startUrls list of starting URLs, refer to the file for the syntax.


All is in Makefile

  • Run with terminal output:
  • Run with file output:
make file-output