
Your life's personal dashboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


"Your life's personal dashboard."

Reportr is a complete application which works like a dashboard for tracking events in your life (using a very simple API). With a simple interface, it helps you track and display your online activity or your real-life activity (with hardware trackers or applications like Runkeeper), some trackers are available on this organization.

The project is entirely open source and you can host your own Reportr instance on your own server or Heroku.

Screen Preview

Start your instance

Reportr is really easy to run locally or on heroku-compatible services.

$ git clone https://github.com/Reportr/dashboard.git
$ npm install .
$ grunt

To run it locally (configuration can be stored in a .env file):

$ foreman start

API and Events

Reportr uses an HTTP REST API to track events. Datas are always JSON encoded.

Endpoint HTTP Method Description Arguments
/api/infos GET Get informations about this instance
/api/events POST Post a new event <string>type, <object>properties
/api/events GET List all events <string>type, <int>start(0), <int>limit
/api/stats/categories GET Get categorized events stats <string>type,<string>field
/api/stats/time GET Get time stats <string>type,<string>fields, <string>interval, <string>func
/api/reports POST Create a new report <string>title
/api/reports GET List all reports
/api/report/:id PUT Update a report <string>title, <array>visualizations
/api/report/:id DELETE Remove a report


Reportr is configured using environment variables.

Name Description
PORT Port for running the application, default is 5000
MONGODB_URL Url for the mongoDB database
AUTH_USERNAME Username for authentication
AUTH_PASSWORD Password for authentication


  • Event: an event represent something to monitor at a defined date. For example if I'm monitoring the temperature in my home, I'll post an event home.temperature with a property temp:
$ curl -X POST --data '{ "type":"home.temperature", "properties": { "temperature": 66 } }' http://localhost:5000/api/events
  • Report: a report is a collection of event visualizations, it groups in the dashboard visualizations that are related, for example: I can have 2 reports: "My Home Activity" and "My GitHub Activity"

  • Visualization: a visualization is a configured way to show data, for example in a pie, bar chart or time graph.