- 1
Function similar to timeStatus
#26 opened by khawajamechatronics - 1
How to get unixtime into a variable ?
#35 opened by kurt-klingbeil - 1
setDateTime with epoc unixtime unexpected behavior
#18 opened by erikyo - 14
- 1
[bug] does not take into account leap years
#29 opened by kramer04 - 2
- 2
Day of the Year is incorrect
#12 opened by LukCaha - 2
- 1
Weird problem when using the library for DS3231 to display time on SSD1306 OLED
#30 opened by dziubym - 1
- 1
No need to wait after Wire.requestFrom() and no Wire.beginTransmission() or endTransmission() should be used with Wire.requestFrom().
#17 opened by Koepel - 0
Incorect work whis unixtime
#7 opened by ASergeyV - 1
no matching function for call to 'DS3231::DS3231(const uint8_t&, const uint8_t&)'
#31 opened by emp-98 - 0
setBattery(bool, bool) blocking
#32 opened by Kasperdelasopa - 0
Arduino DUE
#28 opened by PitrsCZ - 0
-2000 in yer formatting
#27 opened by Kroshtandt - 1
weird signs from dateformat function
#2 opened by nysander - 1
lack of miliseconds in dateformat function
#1 opened by nysander - 0
Adding time
#19 opened by rryanz28 - 1
Arduino Zero Compatible?
#8 opened by sajmon0 - 0
Problem with using function setAlarm1
#16 opened by piolin798 - 2
- 1
Interrupt Alarm Always Fires?
#14 opened by davescherler - 0
Alarm 2 for hour
#11 opened by gau999 - 1
- 0
Century bit in hardware is not handled
#3 opened by max688182