
A series of configuration files & scripts to help automate complex system setups

Primary LanguageC


A series of configuration files, scripts & tools to help me manage multiple & complex systems.

##configs Here be configuration files for tuning network options, providing host based firewalling, custom aliases for complex commands & environment variables

##desktop-tools Contains latest Intel Pro 1000e network driver for Linux & a customized shell script to provide the following functionality:

  1. Compile & load latest Intel driver if it doesn't exist
  2. Setup network configuration, gateway & DNS options
  3. Install lvm2 & mdadm packages if they don't exist
  4. Prompt for passphrase
  5. Decrypt all luks devices
  6. Setup or create all LVM's on decrypted devices
  7. Mount all partitions
  8. Mount /proc, bind /dev & /sys partitions
  9. Chroot into environment for repairs etc.
  10. On exit, unmount & relock all encypted partitions

##laptop-tools Similar tool set as the desktop tools. Provides the following functionality:

  1. Prompt for passphrase
  2. Decrypt all luks devices
  3. Setup or create all LVM's on decrypted devices
  4. Mount all partitions
  5. Mount /proc, bind /dev & /sys partitions
  6. Chroot into environment for repairs etc.
  7. On exit, unmount & relock all encypted partitions

##vm-tools A simple shell script to help with creation & use of qemu based virtual machines.

###Create new VM Here is how you can create a new VM. Requires a valid ISO file within the ISO folder. It will create a new .iso within the VM folder & launch a QEMU instance running the ISO you specified for a new guest OS instllation.

%> ./launcher install <name-of-vm> <path/to/iso>

###Launch existing VM Here is how you can launch an existing VM.

%> ./launcher
1) vm/docker.iso
2) vm/lamp.iso
3) vm/node.iso
Select VM to load or 'q' to quit:

Pick a number and then VNC & SSH connections are available on TCP port 2222 or respectively.