Panda CSS size test

This is a repo to test the file size of the Panda CSS runtime helper functions and the output CSS file.


pnpm i


It will print the file size of the bundled css and sva functions, and the size of the output CSS file.

pnpm build

File size

Default setup

File Size (Minified + Gzipped)
dist/styled-system/css/css.js 4.9KiB
dist/styled-system/css/sva.js 5.8KiB
dist/styled-system/styles.css (with hash disabled) 14.9KiB -> 3.8KiB (compression rate: 74%)
dist/styled-system/styles.css (with hash enabled) 11.5KiB -> 5.0KiB (compression rate: 56%)

Note: sva is the largest file because it imports all other helper functions (css, cva, and cx).

Minimal setup

You can enable the minimal setup in panda.config.mjs to test the file size of the minimal setup.

File Size (Minified + Gzipped)
dist/styled-system/css/css.js 1.6KiB
dist/styled-system/css/sva.js 2.5KiB
dist/styled-system/styles.css (with hash disabled) 0.2KiB