
Lightweight PHP Template Engine

Primary LanguagePHP


Lightweight PHP Template Engine


  1. Define data
  2. Call the create method
  3. Deploy a template

Using an indexed array

  QuickTemplate::create(array('Toyota', 'Honda', 'Ford'), function() { ?>
<?php });

Using an associative array

$state_list = array(
  'CT'=>"Connecticut" ... 

QuickTemplate::create($state_list, function() { ?>
  <option value="%key%" class="states template %inc%">%value%</option>
<?php }, &$states_content); ?>

Using a two dimensional array

$data = array(
    'title'     => 'My test title 1',
    'paragraph' => 'Lorem ipusm color dolor.'
    'title'     => 'My test title 2',
    'paragraph' => 'just another paragraph',
    'date'      => 'Jan 3rd, 2014'

QuickTemplate::create($data, function() { ?>
  <!-- my custom template %inc% -->
  <div class="template %inc%">
  <!-- end -->
<?php }); ?>

###Requirements: PHP 5.4 or greater



Notes from the author

This is pretty much a beta version. Work may or may not continue. If you have any comments or questions, please email me at jasandpereza@hotmail.com