
My custom LaTeX preambles for you to use!

Primary LanguageTeX

Preambles for LaTeX

Welcome to my personal collection of preambles. I have built these preambles in my time at Aarhus University for handins, exams, and presentations. I hope they will be useful for you. Feel free to use, distribute and modify them!

What can I do with your preambles?

Great question! See Article Example for an example of how to write an article/a document. This example also lists all features of all the preambles with examples. See also Presentation Example for an example of how to write a presentation.

How do I use your preambles?

You need to add this repository as a git submodule with

cd root/of/your/git/project
git submodule add https://github.com/anbclausen/preambles.git
git submodule update --init --recursive

After this, you can just follow the examples. To make a minimal article compile


\title{Your Title}


with pdflatex.

Alternatively, you can download this repo and place the preambles/ folder next to your .tex files.

I recommend using the LaTeX Workshop extension for VS Code and adding the following to your .vscode/settings.json:

  "files.exclude": {
    "*.aux": true,
    "*.toc": true,
    "*.gz": true,
    "*.log": true,
    "*.fls": true,
    "*.fdb_latexmk": true,
    "*.bbl": true,
    "*.blg": true,
    "*.nav": true,
    "*.out": true,
    "*.snm": true,
    "*.synctex.gz": true,
    "*.synctex": true,
    "*.synctex(busy)": true,
    "*.synctex.gz(busy)": true,
    "*.vrb": true
  "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
      "name": "pdflatex",
      "tools": [
  "latex-workshop.latex.search.rootFiles.exclude": [
  "editor.formatOnSave": false,

Good luck!