
Make sure you have yarn installed.



The project use husky and lint-staged for linting and fixing possible errors on source code before commit

Git hooks scripts are installed after running yarn install the first time

yarn build

Compile typescript files from the src folder inside the build folder.

yarn clean

Remove the following directories/files

  • build
  • reports

yarn test

Run tests files inside the tests folder that matches the following patterns. Exit with code > 0 on error

  • *.test.ts
  • *.spec.ts

yarn test:xunit

The same as yarn test and generates an xunit report in reports/test-results.xml. Always exit with 0 code

yarn cover

The same as as yarn test and generates coverages reports in reports/coverage. Exit with code > 0 on error

yarn cover:xunit

The same as yarn test:xunit and yarn cover combined. Exit with code 0 always

yarn lint

Check tslint errors according to tslint.json

yarn lint:checkstyle

The same as yarn lint and generates a checkstyle report in reports/lint-checkstyle.xml

yarn lint:format

Run yarn lint applying fixes and run prettier on every typescript file

yarn npm:package

Generate a tarball containing the npm package. It can be published via npm publish.

The package is generated using the src folder as the package root. The main entry in the package.json is updated accordingly.

yarn health

Check for:

  • Build errors
  • Tests failures
  • Lint errors

yarn ci

Run test and generate every possible report. Do not exit with error code > 0 if the tests fail. It generates a report file instead

  • reports/lint-checkstyle.xml Lint report in chackstyle format
  • reports/test-results.xml Test report in xUnit format
  • reports/coverage/clover.xml Coverage report in clover format
  • reports/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml Coverage report in cobertura format
  • reports/coverage/lcov.info Coverage report in lcov
  • reports/coverage/index.html Coverage report in html

yarn release

  • Bump package.json version accordingly to the commit messages
  • Generate changelog for the new version from the commit messages
  • Commit package.json and CHANGELOG.md with the new changes
  • Create a git tag with the new version
  • You'll need to execute git push --follow-tags origin master after generating a release