
Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains code in python for a class project in UC Santa Barbara's CS 290D: Searching Big Data course. In our project, we will try to develop a predictive model that assists users in deciding on when to visit a business based on how congested or crowded it might be.

Details can be found at the project website: https://sites.google.com/site/yelpbusy/home


  • yelpdata Python module, functions to import JSON data for:
    • Businesses
    • Users
    • Reviews
    • Checkins
  • extract JSON objects for businesses by category
  • extract JSON objects for reviews by business ID
  • YelpDataContainer class that stores Yelp data and methods to operate on it
  • BusinessSentiment class in YelpDataContainer module to store/adjust sentiment
  • sentiment and business data stored in binary tree (need to change this)
    • how was python hash slower?

In Process

  • YelpDataContainer additional functionality