
Greenbriar Community School Website

Primary LanguageVue

Greenbriar Community Website


uses: vue, nuxt, mdbootstrap, eventbright, and netlify

based on https://github.com/jasenmichael/nuxt-eventbright-starter


  • implement Home School Enrichment Program page with schedule(google calendar)

  • edit about to include more history(with old images), move home school section above and seperate from worksops/events

  • fix events empty(refactor events), when not loaded through spa

    • reconstruct(remove not needed fields) events list response stored in the store.
    • remove events.list, and replace with event.live and events.completed.
    • move axios.get to netlify functions
  • move send email to netlify function

    • add a .env key validation netify & email-endpiont