Habitat Challenge 2022

This repository contains the starter code for the 2022 challenge, and training and evaluation setups. For an overview of habitat-challenge, visit aihabitat.org/challenge.

If you are looking for our 2021/2020/2019 starter code, it’s available in the challenge-YEAR branch.

This year, we are hosting a challenges on the ObjectNav embodied navigation task. ObjectNav focuses on egocentric object/scene recognition and a commonsense understanding of object semantics (where is a fireplace typically located in a house?).

Changes in 2022 (over 2021)

  • We are instantiating ObjectNav on a new dataset called HM3D-Semantics v0.1.
  • We are retiring the PointNav challenge, although the evaluation servers will continue to be open and researchers are welcome to submit to them.

Task: ObjectNav

In ObjectNav, an agent is initialized at a random starting position and orientation in an unseen environment and asked to find an instance of an object category (‘find a chair’) by navigating to it. A map of the environment is not provided and the agent must only use its sensory input to navigate.

The agent is equipped with an RGB-D camera and a (noiseless) GPS+Compass sensor. GPS+Compass sensor provides the agent’s current location and orientation information relative to the start of the episode. We attempt to match the camera specification (field of view, resolution) in simulation to the Azure Kinect camera, but this task does not involve any injected sensing noise.


The 2022 ObjectNav challenge uses 120 scenes from the Habitat-Matterport3D (HM3D) Semantics v0.1[2] dataset with train/val/test splits on 80/20/20. Following Chaplot et al.[3], we use 6 object goal categories: chair, couch, potted plant, bed, toilet and tv.


Similar to 2021 Habitat Challenge, we measure performance along the same two axes as specified by Anderson et al.[4]:

  • Success: Did the agent navigate to an instance of the goal object? (Notice: any instance, regardless of distance from starting location.)

Concretely, an episode is deemed successful if on calling the STOP action, the agent is within 1.0m Euclidean distance from any instance of the target object category AND the object can be viewed by an oracle from that stopping position by turning the agent or looking up/down. Notice: we do NOT require the agent to be actually viewing the object at the stopping location, simply that such oracle-visibility is possible without moving. Why? Because we want participants to focus on navigation, not object framing. In Embodied AI’s larger goal, the agent is navigating to an object instance to interact with it (say point at or manipulate an object). Oracle-visibility is our proxy for ‘the agent is close enough to interact with the object’.

  • SPL: How efficient was the agent’s path compared to an optimal path? (Notice: optimal path = shortest path from the agent’s starting position to the closest instance of the target object category.)

After calling the STOP action, the agent is evaluated using the ‘Success weighted by Path Length’ (SPL) metric [4].

ObjectNav-SPL is defined analogous to PointNav-SPL. The only key difference is that the shortest path is computed to the object instance closest to the agent start location. Thus, if an agent spawns very close to ‘chair1’ but stops at a distant ‘chair2’, it will achieve 100% success (because it found a ‘chair’) but a fairly low SPL (because the agent path is much longer compared to the oracle path).

We reserve the right to use additional metrics to choose winners in case of statistically insignificant SPL differences.

Participation Guidelines

Participate in the contest by registering on the EvalAI challenge page and creating a team. Participants will upload docker containers with their agents that are evaluated on an AWS GPU-enabled instance. Before pushing the submissions for remote evaluation, participants should test the submission docker locally to ensure it is working. Instructions for training, local evaluation, and online submission are provided below.

For your convenience, please check our Habitat Challenge video tutorial and Colab step-by-step tutorial from previous year.

Local Evaluation

  1. Clone the challenge repository:

    git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-challenge.git
    cd habitat-challenge
  2. Implement your own agent or try one of ours. We provide an agent in agent.py that takes random actions:

    import numpy
    import habitat
    class RandomAgent(habitat.Agent):
        def reset(self):
        def act(self, observations):
            return {"action": numpy.random.choice(task_config.TASK.POSSIBLE_ACTIONS)}
    def main():
        config_paths = "/path/to/challenge/config/file"
        config = habitat.get_config(config_paths)
        agent = RandomAgent(task_config=config)
        challenge = habitat.Challenge()

    [Optional] Modify submission.sh file if your agent needs any custom modifications (e.g. command-line arguments). Otherwise, nothing to do. Default submission.sh is simply a call to RandomAgent agent in agent.py.

  3. Install nvidia-docker v2 following instructions here: https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html#docker. Note: only supports Linux; no Windows or MacOS.

  4. Modify the provided Dockerfile if you need custom modifications. Let’s say your code needs pytorch==1.9.0, these dependencies should be pip installed inside a conda environment called habitat that is shipped with our habitat-challenge docker, as shown below:

    FROM fairembodied/habitat-challenge:testing_2022_habitat_base_docker
    # install dependencies in the habitat conda environment
    RUN /bin/bash -c ". activate habitat; pip install torch==1.9.0"
    ADD agent.py /agent.py
    ADD submission.sh /submission.sh

    Build your docker container using:

    docker build . --file Objectnav.Dockerfile  -t objectnav_submission

    Note #1: you may need sudo priviliges to run this command.

    Note #2: Please make sure that you keep your local version of fairembodied/habitat-challenge:testing_2022_habitat_base_docker image up to date with the image we have hosted on dockerhub. This can be done by pruning all cached images, using:

    docker system prune -a
  5. Dataset: First, get access to the Habitat-Matterport3D Dataset scenes by visiting this link and following the given instructions. After getting access to the dataset, carry out the following steps to download the dataset:

    a) First, you will need to generate a matterport API Token:

    1. Navigate to https://my.matterport.com/settings/account/devtools

    2. Generate an API token

    3. Your API token ID then functions as your username, passed to the download script with --username, and your API token secret functions as your password, passed to the download script with --password. Note: Make sure to write your API token secret down, you can't reveal it again!

    b) Install Habitat-Sim to get access to our dataset downloader:

    1. Prepare your conda env:

      # We require python>=3.7 and cmake>=3.10
      conda create -n habitat python=3.7 cmake=3.14.0
      conda activate habitat
    2. Install Habitat-Sim using our custom Conda package for habitat challenge 2022 with:

      conda install habitat-sim-challenge-2022 -c conda-forge -c aihabitat

      In case you face any issues related to the GLIBCXX version after conda installation, please uninstall this conda package and install the habitat-sim repository from source (more information here). Make sure that you are using the challenge-2022 tag and not the stable branch for your installation.

    c) Now, you are ready to download. Start by downloading the val split, which we will use in the following steps:

    python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --username <api-token-id> --password <api-token-secret> --uids hm3d_val --data-path <path to download folder>

    Replace val by train or example to download the different splits. By default, downloading the data for train/val/example scenes also pulls in the semantic annotations and configs for HM3D-Semantics v0.1. To download only the semantic files for these splits, use the uid hm3d_semantics.

    Note: We do not support loading of semantic annotations inside the challenge docker and the usage of semantic annotations is not allowed during evaluation on EvalAI. This is to prevent the navigating agent from accessing ground truth information during testing. To load the semantic annotations outside of the docker, take a look at the instructions posted here.

    d) Create a symlink to the downloaded data in your habitat-challenge repository:

    mkdir -p habitat-challenge-data/data/scene_datasets/
    ln -s <absolute path to download folder>/scene_datasets/hm3d habitat-challenge-data/data/scene_datasets/hm3d
  6. Evaluate your docker container locally:

    ./test_locally_objectnav_rgbd.sh --docker-name objectnav_submission

    If the above command runs successfully you will get an output similar to:

    2022-02-14 01:23:51,798 initializing sim Sim-v0
    2022-02-14 01:23:52,820 initializing task Nav-v0
    2022-02-14 01:23:56,339 distance_to_goal: 5.205519378185272
    2022-02-14 01:23:56,339 spl: 0.0

    Note: this same command will be run to evaluate your agent for the leaderboard. Please submit your docker for remote evaluation (below) only if it runs successfully on your local setup.

Online submission

Follow instructions in the submit tab of the EvalAI challenge page to submit your docker image. Note that you will need a version of EvalAI >= 1.3.13. Pasting those instructions here for convenience:

# Installing EvalAI Command Line Interface
pip install "evalai>=1.3.13"

# Set EvalAI account token
evalai set_token <your EvalAI participant token>

# Push docker image to EvalAI docker registry
evalai push objectnav_submission:latest --phase <phase-name>

Valid phase names are habitat-objectnav-{minival, test-standard, test-challenge}-2022-1615. The challenge consists of the following phases:

  1. Minival phase: This split is same as the one used in ./test_locally_objectnav_rgbd.sh. The purpose of this phase/split is sanity checking -- to confirm that our remote evaluation reports the same result as the one you’re seeing locally. Each team is allowed maximum of 100 submissions per day for this phase, but please use them judiciously. We will block and disqualify teams that spam our servers.
  2. Test Standard phase: The purpose of this phase/split is to serve as the public leaderboard establishing the state of the art; this is what should be used to report results in papers. Each team is allowed maximum of 10 submissions per day for this phase, but again, please use them judiciously. Don’t overfit to the test set.
  3. Test Challenge phase: This phase/split will be used to decide challenge winners. Each team is allowed a total of 5 submissions until the end of challenge submission phase. The highest performing of these 5 will be automatically chosen. Results on this split will not be made public until the announcement of final results at the Embodied AI workshop at CVPR.

Note: Your agent will be evaluated on 1000 episodes and will have a total available time of 48 hours to finish. Your submissions will be evaluated on AWS EC2 p3.2xlarge instance which has a V100 GPU (16 GB Memory), 8 vCPU cores, and 61 GB RAM. If you need more time/resources for evaluation of your submission please get in touch. If you face any issues or have questions you can ask them by opening an issue on this repository.

ObjectNav Baselines and DD-PPO Training Starter Code

We have added a config in configs/ddppo_objectnav.yaml that includes a baseline using DD-PPO from Habitat-Lab. Follow these next steps to get the DD-PPO baseline running (skip to step 3 if you have completed step 5.b from the local evaluation section):

  1. Prepare your conda env:

    # We require python>=3.7 and cmake>=3.10
    conda create -n habitat python=3.7 cmake=3.14.0
    conda activate habitat
  2. Install Habitat-Sim - Use our custom Conda package for habitat challenge 2022:

    conda install habitat-sim-challenge-2022 -c conda-forge -c aihabitat

    In case you face any issues related to the GLIBCXX version after conda installation, please uninstall this conda package and install the habitat-sim repository from source (more information here). Make sure that you are using the challenge-2022 tag and not the stable branch for your installation.

  3. Install Habitat-Lab - We have created the habitat-challenge-2022 tag in our Github repo, which can be cloned using:

    git clone --branch challenge-2022 https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab.git

    Also ensure that habitat-baselines is installed when installing Habitat-Lab by using python setup.py develop --all . You will find further information for installation in the Github repositories.

  4. Download the episode dataset for HM3D ObjectNav from link and place it in the folder habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/data/datasets/objectnav/hm3d.

    wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/habitat/data/datasets/objectnav/hm3d/v1/objectnav_hm3d_v1.zip -P habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d
    unzip habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/objectnav_hm3d_v1.zip -d habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d
    mv habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/objectnav_hm3d_v1/* habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d
    rm -r habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/objectnav_hm3d_v1*

    If placed correctly, you should see the train, val and val mini splits in the habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/{train, val, val_mini} folders respectively.

  5. An example on how to train DD-PPO model can be found in habitat-lab/habitat_baselines/rl/ddppo. See the corresponding README in habitat-lab for how to adjust the various hyperparameters, save locations, visual encoders and other features.

    1. To run on a single machine use the following script from habitat-lab directory:

      export GLOG_minloglevel=2
      export MAGNUM_LOG=quiet
      export HABITAT_SIM_LOG=quiet
      set -x
      python -u -m torch.distributed.launch \
          --use_env \
          --nproc_per_node 1 \
          habitat_baselines/run.py \
          --exp-config ../habitat-challenge/configs/ddppo_objectnav.yaml \
          --run-type train \
          BASE_TASK_CONFIG_PATH ../habitat-challenge/configs/challenge_objectnav2022.local.rgbd.yaml \
          TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.DATA_PATH ../habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/{split}/{split}.json.gz \
          TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.SCENES_DIR ../habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/data/scene_datasets/ \
          TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.SPLIT 'train' \
          TENSORBOARD_DIR ./tb \
          CHECKPOINT_FOLDER ./checkpoints \
          LOG_FILE ./train.log
    2. There is also an example of running the code distributed on a cluster with SLURM. While this is not necessary, if you have access to a cluster, it can significantly speed up training. To run on multiple machines in a SLURM cluster run the following script: change #SBATCH --nodes $NUM_OF_MACHINES to the number of machines and #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node $NUM_OF_GPUS and $SBATCH --gres $NUM_OF_GPUS to specify the number of GPUS to use per requested machine.

      #SBATCH --job-name=ddppo
      #SBATCH --output=logs.ddppo.out
      #SBATCH --error=logs.ddppo.err
      #SBATCH --gres gpu:1
      #SBATCH --nodes 1
      #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 10
      #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 1
      #SBATCH --mem=60GB
      #SBATCH --time=12:00
      #SBATCH --signal=USR1@600
      #SBATCH --partition=dev
      export GLOG_minloglevel=2
      export MAGNUM_LOG=quiet
      export MAIN_ADDR=$(srun --ntasks=1 hostname 2>&1 | tail -n1)
      set -x
      srun python -u -m habitat_baselines.run \
          --exp-config ../habitat-challenge/configs/ddppo_objectnav.yaml \
          --run-type train \
          BASE_TASK_CONFIG_PATH ../habitat-challenge/configs/challenge_objectnav2022.local.rgbd.yaml \
          TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.DATA_PATH ../habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/{split}/{split}.json.gz \
          TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.SCENES_DIR ../habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/data/scene_datasets/ \
          TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.SPLIT 'train' \
          TENSORBOARD_DIR ./tb \
          CHECKPOINT_FOLDER ./checkpoints \
          LOG_FILE ./train.log
    3. The preceding two scripts are based off ones found in the habitat_baselines/ddppo.

  6. The checkpoint specified by $PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT can evaluated using SPL and other measurements by running the following command:

    python -u -m habitat_baselines.run \
        --exp-config ../habitat-challenge/configs/ddppo_objectnav.yaml \
        --run-type eval \
        BASE_TASK_CONFIG_PATH ../habitat-challenge/configs/challenge_objectnav2022.local.rgbd.yaml \
        TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.DATA_PATH ../habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/objectgoal_hm3d/{split}/{split}.json.gz \
        TASK_CONFIG.DATASET.SCENES_DIR ../habitat-challenge/habitat-challenge-data/data/scene_datasets/ \

    The weights used for our DD-PPO Objectnav baseline for the Habitat-2022 challenge can be downloaded with the following command:

    wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/habitat/data/baselines/v1/ddppo_objectnav_habitat2022_challenge_baseline_v1.pth
  7. We provide Dockerfiles ready to use with the DD-PPO baselines in Objectnav_DDPPO_baseline.Dockerfile. For the sake of completeness, we describe how you can make your own Dockerfile below. If you just want to test the baseline code, feel free to skip this bullet because Objectnav_DDPPO_baseline.Dockerfile is ready to use.

    1. You may want to modify the Objectnav_DDPPO_baseline.Dockerfile to include torchvision or other libraries. To install torchvision, ifcfg and tensorboard, add the following command to the Docker file:

      RUN /bin/bash -c ". activate habitat; pip install ifcfg torchvision tensorboard"
    2. You change which agent.py and which submission.sh script is used in the Docker, modify the following lines and replace the first agent.py or submission.sh with your new files.:

      ADD agent.py agent.py
      ADD submission.sh submission.sh
    3. Do not forget to add any other files you may need in the Docker, for example, we add the demo.ckpt.pth file which is the saved weights from the DD-PPO example code.

    4. Finally, modify the submission.sh script to run the appropriate command to test your agents. The scaffold for this code can be found agent.py and the DD-PPO specific agent can be found in ddppo_agents.py. In this example, we only modify the final command of the ObjectNav docker: by adding the following args to submission.sh --model-path demo.ckpt.pth --input-type rgbd. The default submission.sh script will pass these args to the python script. You may also replace the submission.sh.

      1. Please note that at this time, that habitat_baselines uses a slightly different config system, and the configs nodes for habitat are defined under TASK_CONFIG which is loaded at runtime from BASE_TASK_CONFIG_PATH. We manually overwrite this config using the opts args in our agent.py file.
  8. Once your Dockerfile and other code is modified to your satisfaction, build it with the following command.

    docker build . --file Objectnav_DDPPO_baseline.Dockerfile -t objectnav_submission
  9. To test locally simple run the test_locally_objectnav_rgbd.sh script. If the docker runs your code without errors, it should work on Eval-AI. The instructions for submitting the Docker to EvalAI are listed above.

  10. Happy hacking!

Citing Habitat Challenge 2022

Please cite the following paper for details about the 2022 ObjectNav challenge:

  title         =     Habitat Challenge 2022,
  author        =     {Karmesh Yadav and Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan and Aaron Gokaslan and Oleksandr Maksymets and Rishabh Jain and Ram Ramrakhya and Angel X Chang and Alexander Clegg and Manolis Savva and Eric Undersander and Devendra Singh Chaplot and Dhruv Batra},
  howpublished  =     {\url{https://aihabitat.org/challenge/2022/}},
  year          =     {2022}


The Habitat challenge would not have been possible without the infrastructure and support of EvalAI team. We also thank the team behind Habitat-Matterport3D datasets.


[1] Habitat: A Platform for Embodied AI Research. Manolis Savva*, Abhishek Kadian*, Oleksandr Maksymets*, Yili Zhao, Erik Wijmans, Bhavana Jain, Julian Straub, Jia Liu, Vladlen Koltun, Jitendra Malik, Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.

[2] Habitat-Matterport 3D Dataset (HM3D): 1000 Large-scale 3D Environments for Embodied AI Santhosh K. Ramakrishnan, Aaron Gokaslan, Erik Wijmans, Oleksandr Maksymets, Alex Clegg, John Turner, Eric Undersander, Wojciech Galuba, Andrew Westbury, Angel X. Chang, Manolis Savva, Yili Zhao, Dhruv Batra. arXiv:2109.08238, 2021.

[3] Object Goal Navigation using Goal-Oriented Semantic Exploration Devendra Singh Chaplot, Dhiraj Gandhi, Abhinav Gupta, Ruslan Salakhutdinov. NeurIPS, 2020.

[4] On evaluation of embodied navigation agents. Peter Anderson, Angel Chang, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Saurabh Gupta, Vladlen Koltun, Jana Kosecka, Jitendra Malik, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Manolis Savva, Amir R. Zamir. arXiv:1807.06757, 2018.