
NetCharger is a lightweight, powerful TCP stress testing tool designed to evaluate the performance and resilience of TCP servers by establishing a large number of connections simultaneously. It operates in two modes: a Server Mode for listening and responding to incoming TCP connections, and a Stress Test Mode for initiating connections to a specified server.


  • Server Mode: Runs a simple TCP server that listens on a configurable port and responds with a predefined message to each incoming connection.
  • Stress Test Mode: Simultaneously initiates thousands of TCP connections to test the throughput and handling capacity of a TCP server.

Getting Started


  • Go 1.17 or later


Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd NetCharger


To start the tool in Server Mode:

go run net_charger.go listen

To start the tool in Stress Test Mode and connect to specified host(s):

go run net_charger.go <host1> <host2> ...

Replace <host1>, <host2>, etc., with the actual IP addresses or hostnames of the servers you want to test.

Building the Project

To build the project for deployment:

go build -o net_charger net_charger.go

This will generate an executable file named net_charger.