
Kustomizations to run Temporal on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageNix


Temporal on Kubernetes

Getting Started


If all you need is a base Kustomization that you can build upon, you can find that over at kustomize/base/.


You can also try out pre-configured flavors of Temporal using Skaffold.

devenv (optional)

But first you'll need to install some tools. You may already have some of them installed, and they might work, but a devenv is included to make sure we're all on the same page.

After installing devenv you can just:

devenv shell

NOTE This will also set the KUBECONFIG env variable.

Kind Cluster (optional)

You may already have a Kuberentes cluster ready to use. But if you don't, you can quickly spin one up using Kind:

kind create cluster --config ./kind-cluster.yaml

Temporal + PostgreSQL 13

This uses PostgreSQL 13 as the datastore (both default & visibility):

skaffold deploy -p pg13 --port-forward

This will deploy a PostgreSQL 13 instance to the temporal-ds-pg13 namespace and a Temporal cluster pointing to it in the temporal-pg13 namespace.

You can connect to the Temporal Cluster using the port forwarded address, e.g:

temporal operator cluster health --address

Other datastores

TBA. PRs welcome.

Configuration Environment Vars

Refer to config_template.yml

Prior Art

Using these projects as a reference: