
A tiny package that helps you find DOM elements near the cursor position

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package helps you find elements near cursor position

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Table of contents


  • @3.2.1 - bundled code and nearbyElements is not a default export
  • @3.1.1 - initial stable version


  • Find all elements near the cursor.
  • Filter the nearby elements based on some conditions.
  • Modify the nearby elements i.e change styles / innerHTML without iterating over them seperately
  • Fine tune the searching process by changing the number of directions, number of points in each direction and radius of the region around cursor.


npm i cursor-nearby-elements

Getting Started

Import the method using import syntax and save the output of nearbyElements method in some variable.

import {nearbyElements} from cursor-nearby-elements;
const nearby = nearbyElements();

Visual representation of the parameters

Multiple points on radius

Note: Arguments inside [ ] are optional

nearbyElements ([directions,offset])

This method helps you to set the parameters for calculations that are carried out for finding nearby elements

  • Arguments
    • directions: The number of directions around the cursor to look for elements. ( *Default value is 8* )(no. of green radius lines in the fig above)
    • offset: The radius of the region around the cursor. Elements falling within this radius will be captured ( *Default value is 69* )(the value of radius itself in the fig above)
  • Returns
    • nearby Method: This function is responsible for returning the elements nearby. Read below for detailed explanation.

nearby (event, [ predicate, modifier, offsetPoints, shouldSkipAngle ])

This method takes an event object as a mandatory argument and returns an Array of DOM Elements

  • Arguments
    • event: Event object which is received in event handler
    • predicate: This is a function that checks the DOM elements for specific condition and based on the return value, the elements is either added to the final array or discarded. This method should strictly return boolean value. true denotes that element will be selected else discarded.
    • modifier This is a function that modifies the original DOM Element and returns the modified DOM elements. Modifications can be anything; you can think of this as a map function for DOM Element
    • offsetPoints This is an array of fractions where each fraction is a position on the radius line (The green dots in the figure below). These are the points where the code will check for elements. By default, the fraction is 1 i.e the points on circumference of the red region. When passing the array, make sure to include all the positions you want to check for between 0 - the cursor position up to 1 - The point at offset distance inclusive.(green dots on each radius/direction line; 0.25 and 1 in the fig above)
    • shouldSkipAngle: This is also a function that gets 2 arguments ; angle (in radians) , index. The index is the index of the array containing angle values. You can skip some angles (directions indirectly) based on some conditions based on angle value or index value ; while checking for elements. Return true if you want to skip the angle else false.
  • Returns
    • Array: Array of nearby DOM Elements


nearby function

function handleMouseMove(e) {
  //filtering nearby elements since I don't want my container element to be returned as nearby element
  //I only want elements with class targets
  const predicate = (el) => {
    return !el.classList.contains("App") && el.classList.contains("targets");

  //null checks are already present so you won't get null or undefined elements
  const modifier = (el) => {
    if (el.style) el.style.backgroundColor = "red";
    return el;

  //you can scale your region by providing a larger fraction for offset also
  const offsetPoints = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.215];

  //skip points on X and Y axis
  const shouldSkipAngle = (rad, index) => {
    return index % 2 === 0;

  //all the args except event object are optional
  const myelements = nearby(


1. If you are using framework like react: You should not modify DOM elements directly, you must change state or use refs. Since this package returns a DOM element object, what you can do is store the ref of all the target elements in a dictionary/map like object with key as stringify version of ref and value as the ref object itself using react-ref-compare package.

2. I have a codesandbox setup for testing and demo of the package, you can playaround with the code there to get a better understanding of the package

cursor-nearby-elements DEMO