Web Browser Adventure Puzzle Game
updated : 29.03.2021
In Maze
- One player single game
- Big Maze Tileset Map (Moving and visible-invisible Walls)
- Map is a 2D byte map. (0 = (Floor,Sea) , 1 = Wall , 2 = Collision areas (wall,sea))
- Map Collision system
- Power Capsule (When player eat rise his ability system)
- Enemies system(3 type enemies)
- 1st type : Motionless and shot just one direction
- 2nd type : Motionless but shot the player
- 3th type : Following and shot the player( Enemy AI))
- Sprite Animations
- Loot system
- Mouse and keyboard control system
- Attack system (2 types)
- Left click (1 bullet) : Shoot 1 direction and remove itself if collison wall or enemy.
- Right click (Special bullets) : Shoot 12 direction and remove itself if collison wall or enemy.
- Sound system (Bullet,walking,death of enemies ect.)
- Boss Room system
- Paused system
- Winning systems and tables
- Score system
- Fixed All Bugs (If i Missed please Contact me! )