0x0B holberton-smiling-school

Learning Objectives

  • This project is intended to build a webpage based on Figma designer files Homepage Pricing Courses
  • The purpose of this project is to utilize HTML/CSS/Accessibility/Responsive/Bootstrap design knowledge.
  • Build a website that is fully responsive on desktop(1400px), tablet(768px), and moblie(480px or less) devices.

List of Contents

  • 0-homepage.html: Set up the project page starting with header/hero section and responsive navigation menu.
  • 1-homepage.html: Carousel of quotes.
  • 2-homepage.html: “Most popular tutorials” section. Carousel component of Bootstrap, create this Carousel of video cards.
  • 3-homepage.html: “Free membership” section
  • 4-homepage.html: Copy the block “Most popular tutorials” to “Latest videos”
  • homepage.html: finalizing the homepage with responsive footer
  • 0-pricing.html: Set up the pricing web page with the header/hero piece and responsive navigation menu
  • 1-pricing.html: the prices grid
  • 2-pricing.html: the Carousel of quotes, Same as the Homepage
  • 3-pricing.html: the FAQ grid
  • pricing.html: finalizing the pricing page with responsive footer
  • 0-courses.html: Set up the courses web page with the header/hero piece andresponsive navigation menu
  • 1-courses.html: the search filters section and form group
  • 2-courses.html: the result section of courses
  • courses.html: finalizing the courses page with responsive footer
  • styles.css: css file for additional styling elements on 3 web pages
  • /fonts and /images folders