
In this project we will develop an implementation for accessing and using a remote Test Harness server from multiple concurrent clients. The Test Harness will retrieve test code from a Repository server1. One or more client(s) will concurrently supply the Test Harness with Test Requests. The Test Harness will request test drivers and code to test, as cited in a Test Request, from the Repository. One or more client(s) will concurrently extract Test Results and logs by enqueuing requests and displaying Test Harness and/or Repository replies2 when they arrive. The TestHarness, Repository, and Clients are all distinct projects that compile to separate executables. All communication between these processes will be based on message-passing Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) channels. Client activities will be defined by user actions in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) user interface. On startup, Client, Repository, and TestHarness instances will demonstrate that all functional requirements are met with no input from the user. For that you may use a separate TestExecutive project if that seems appropriate. An important part of this project is to assess the performance of the testing and communication as the number of concurrent reader and writer clients increases.

Primary LanguageC#


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