Technological projects related to psychology and mental health.
- hariharitha21/Detection-of-Anxiety-and-Depression - detecting anxiety and depression with facial and speech emotion recognition
- F0903/AnxietyJournal - app for taking note of when you are anxious or journaling anxiety-provoking events
- Agora-VR/Agora-VR - treatment of social anxiety by utilizing VR technology
- conference-buddy/conference-buddy-web-app - platform to find companions for tech conferences
- yjj781265/Icebr8k_app - social polling app that helps you find common interests and create meaningful connections
- rs2416/Detecting_Social_Anxiety - detecting social anxiety based on wearable devices
- Emaneliforp/WAY - simple socializing games with AI to practice talking to other people, public chat rooms to meet new people, and recommended youtube videos about social anxiety
- soumilchugh/ExpoSocial-Android - android app that is designed for therapy management of social anxiety
- garrettsummerfi3ld/callout - automatically reach out to your friends or family while in need
- AnandaRauf/Edison-AT-Emotional-Depression-Assistant- - depression recognition
- USA-97/Neo-Health-Assistant-Chatbot - android chatbot with phq-9 questionnaire
- rharish101/PClub-Project - depression therapy chatbot working on Facebook
- HimanshuAttri/Leanut - social chatbot for people in depression and suicidal condition
- PratikSavla/aio-bot - chat bot with emotion recognition
- Chinmayrane16/Depression-Chatbot - chatbot based on tensorflow and reddit related to depression
- Jflick58/DepressionAI - Alexa skill for people suffering with depression
- rubynor/bigfive-web - open source web app for IPIP-NEO-PI test (Big Five / OCEAN)
- JordanWalsh35/Predicting-Drug-Use-with-the-Big-Five-Personality-Traits - predict propensity to take drugs
- RomanPylypchuk/OceanCar - program that makes your car brand suggestions, according to your OCEAN score
- automoto/big-five-data - Big five personality trait scores for 307,313 people from different countries
- 16Personalities - free personality test based on NERIS theory
- TravisDoesStuff/Rorschach - MERN-stack application giving a Rorschach test to users
- iworeushankaonce/rimanalytics - application for calculation and analysis of the Rorschach Inkblot Method
- jspsych/jsPsych - JavaScript framework for creating behavioral experiments that run in a web browser
- psychopy/psychopy - package for creating experiments in behavioral science (psychology and neuroscience)
- simonarvin/eyeloop - Python 3-based eye-tracker tailored specifically to dynamic, closed-loop experiments
- MIEC/vr-tsst - tool for experimental induction of acute mental stress in the laboratory
- metapsy-project/metapsyDocs - open source platform with meta-analytic researches around psychotherapy
- metapsy-project/metapsyTools - R package facilitates the calculation of effect sizes and meta-analyses
- utahnlp/therapist-observer - family of neural components for paperwork Observing Dialogue in Therapy: Categorizing and Forecasting Behavioral Codes
- cpsyctc/CECPfuns - package of R functions related to psychology and psychotherapy
- MaxAFriedrich/EMDR - fully customisable tool for EMDR therapy
- ava-cassiopeia/emdr-clicker - super nice EMDR tool with sound
- - self-treatment EMDR with instruction
- nikuzz/emdr-therapy-webapp2 - web app for self-administered EMDR treatment
- QrnaJnyynpr/EMDR - customisable tool for EMDR therapy
- Arrvi/remote-emdr - remote EMDR sessions with same mirrored link, control is shared
- hosteren/EMDR-for-browsers - basic EMDR in browser
- 29ki/29k - free, non-profit, open-source and co-created mental health app 29k
- mauleenn/HarmonyMood - mood tracking iOS app to improve their mental health
Other things related to psychology projects.
- matronator/AnxietySimulator - simulation game of anxiety disorders
- Hacker News User Modelling - hacker news leaders sorted by Watson User Modelling scores
- Rodeobe/bruxism - crowdfunded list of bruxism (teeth grinding) remedies
- drobooks/pyschological-science - high-quality awesome psychology courses, videos and books
- v2-dev/awesome-social-engineering - a curated list of awesome social engineering resources
- pnk314/psychedelics - collection of literature pertaining to the medical and recreational use of psychedelic drugs
- unshakenme/OSPAT - open source psychedelic-assisted therapy curriculum
- alcovegan/awesome-imposter-syndrome - curated list of resources about imposter syndrome
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.