Kavita Project

  • Research experience under Dra. Patricia Ordóñez supervision.
  • Create a prototype through the integration of modified versions of open-source assistive technologies for Kavita, a student with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) to make it easier for her to program by having a voice interface.

Proof of Concept

The goal behind this project is to create a coding tool for programers with disabilities or who are not able to program (in the typical way). With this program they will be able to record themselves talkinh in a natural way and the program will translate it into code.


  • Python 3.5+
  • SpeechRecognition
  • PyAudio

To install theses:

  • Windows
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install pyaudio
  • if pip fails to install pyaudio on windows use pipwin ( remember to add the script folder of your Python installation to PATH)
pip install pipwin
pipwin install pyaudio
  • Linux and MacOS
pip3 install SpeechRecognition
pip3 install pyaudio

Developed by Jasiel Rivera and Juan Hernandez