Here's a template with starter code to deploy an API for your machine learning model and data visualizations. You're encouraged (but not required) to use this template for your Build Week.
You can deploy on Heroku in 10 minutes. Here's the template deployed as-is:
This diagram shows two different ways to use frameworks like Flask. Both ways are good! The first way is what you learned in DS Unit 3. The second way is more common in Build Weeks & Labs.
Instead of Flask, we'll use FastAPI. It's similar, but faster, with automatic interactive docs. For more comparison, see FastAPI for Flask Users.
You'll build and deploy a Data Science API. You'll work cross-functionally with your Web teammates to connect your API to a full-stack web app!
- FastAPI: Web framework. Like Flask, but faster, with automatic interactive docs.
- Flake8: Linter, enforces PEP8 style guide.
- Heroku: Platform as a service, hosts your API.
- Pipenv: Reproducible virtual environment, manages dependencies.
- Plotly: Visualization library, for Python & JavaScript.
- Pytest: Testing framework, runs your unit tests.
Create a new repository from this template.
Clone the repo
git clone
Install dependencies
pipenv install --dev
git add Pipfile.lock
git commit -m "Add Pipfile.lock"
Activate the virtual environment
pipenv shell
Launch the app
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
You'll see your API documentation:
- Your app's title, "DS API"
- Your description, "Lorem ipsum"
- An endpoint for POST requests,
- An endpoint for GET requests,
Click the /predict
endpoint's green button.
You'll see the endpoint's documentation, including:
- Your function's docstring, """Make random baseline predictions for classification problem."""
- Request body example, as JSON (like a Python dictionary)
- A button, "Try it out"
Click the "Try it out" button.
The request body becomes editable.
Click the "Execute" button. Then scroll down.
You'll see the server response, including:
- Code 200, which means the request was successful.
- The response body, as JSON, with random baseline predictions for a classification problem.
Your job is to replace these random predictions with real predictions from your model. Use this starter code and documentation to deploy your model as an API!
└── app
├── api
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── tests
is where you edit your app's title and description, which are displayed at the top of the your automatically generated documentation. This file also configures "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing", which you shouldn't need to edit.
defines the Machine Learning endpoint. /predict
accepts POST requests and responds with random predictions. In a notebook, train your model and pickle it. Then in this source code file, unpickle your model and edit the predict
function to return real predictions.
When your API receives a POST request, FastAPI automatically parses and validates the request body JSON, using the Item
class attributes and functions. Edit this class so it's consistent with the column names and types from your training dataframe.
- FastAPI docs - Request Body
- FastAPI docs - Field additional arguments
- video - FastAPI - Json
- video - FastAPI - Type Validation
- pydantic docs - Validators
defines the Visualization endpoint. Currently /viz/{statecode}
accepts GET requests where {statecode}
is a 2 character US state postal code, and responds with a Plotly figure of the state's unemployment rate, as a JSON string. Create your own Plotly visualizations in notebooks. Then add your code to this source code file. Your web developer teammates can use react-plotly.js to show the visualizations.
- Lambda School docs - Data visualization with React & Plotly. This is the code for the above example. Your web teammates can reuse this as-is.
- Plotly docs
is where you edit your pytest unit tests.
Activate the virtual environment
pipenv shell
Install additional packages
pipenv install PYPI-PACKAGE-NAME
Launch a Jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook
Run tests
Run linter
Prepare Heroku
heroku login
heroku git:remote -a YOUR-APP-NAME-GOES-HERE
Deploy to Heroku
git add --all
git commit -m "Deploy to Heroku"
git push heroku main:master
heroku open
Deactivate the virtual environment