
Simulating OS memory paging

Primary LanguageC

Demand Paging Simulator

This project was done as an assignment for CSC4320 Operating Systems at Georgia State University. See here and here for original assignment.

Compilation and Usage

Please run "make clean && make" to compile. You may then use a4 as described below or you may run the included run.sh shell script.

usage:          ./a4 [OPTIONS]
example:        ./a4 -m1 -p2 -s3 -j4 -n5 -r fifo -i input.txt
 -h             Print this message.
 -i <file>      Read comma-separated file with arrive,burst
 -m             The machine size (in words)
 -p             The page size (in words)
 -s             The size of a processes
 -j             The 'job mix'
 -n             The number of simulated references for each process
 -r <pager(s)>  Specify pager(s) to use.
                Valid pagers are: fifo, clock, lru