- 2
Simple jasmine.yml errors not handled well
#16 opened by Gerg - 2
- 6
support writing junit-xml from jasmine-ci
#38 opened by dwt - 2
- 4
- 5
jasmine 3.0+ doesn't work
#52 opened by danilaml - 0
Relax PyYAML version
#53 opened by danilaml - 6
init command fails with TypeError
#51 opened by Fierozen - 0
jasmine init raises TypeError
#48 opened by moggers87 - 2
Can't include remote css files
#32 opened by mikaoelitiana - 3
No MySQL support MySQL support does not seem to be installed on this server
#47 opened by rhuancampos - 5
jasmine-jquery fixtures
#23 opened by codingjoe - 2
With Jasmine 3.0, current documentation inaccurate
#46 opened by aschokking - 3
jasmine-ci doesn't execute tests
#41 opened by mosesmeirelles - 0
Unexpected query string parameters: random
#44 opened by wuzuf - 1
Jasmine files not served with correct content type
#42 opened by wuzuf - 2
Code coverage tool missing
#27 opened by MariusBaci - 1
Build fails with Werkzeug-0.11.11
#33 opened by mikaoelitiana - 1
- 2
Unbearably slow
#35 opened by dwt - 1
chatdet fixed dependency
#40 opened by gnarvaja - 2
support selenium 3
#31 opened by srittau - 3
pypi jasmine package fails to install "ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)"
#30 opened by kbeyls - 2
Static Files not encoded in OS/locale default crash Standalone Flask App
#28 opened by derekjamescurtis - 0
Django embedded runner broken
#15 opened by Gerg - 1
Selenium is not in requirements.txt
#17 opened by Gerg - 7
#21 opened by codingjoe - 1
#22 opened by codingjoe - 1
Jasmine-ci results in 500
#18 opened by Gerg - 1
- 2
`detox` not working on cloned repo
#12 opened by johnmanong - 1
Support for cross domain vendor scripts
#8 opened by stevepeak - 4