
Front-End Capstone Project built with AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is built with AngularJS using components and UI Router.


A bobbin is a cylinder of wounded thread that is used in sewing and embroidery machines. Bobbin is a mobile app for crafters that want to plan their projects efficiently with a built in shopping checklist. Users can create project boards and add photos of different types of swatches to their project board. Some of phase two features are to add google maps and calendars.


  • Node v6.11.0
  • NPM >= v5.3.0
  • Firebase

Spin up

npm install
http -server


Firebase credentials are needed in order to stage this app. After creating a Firebase account, cp fb-creds.dist.js over to fb-creds.js and add your credentials.

cp app/values/fb-creds.dist.js app/values/fb-creds.js

You'll need a server to run Bobbin in your browser, if you don't have one installed, http-server is a quick option.

npm install --save http-server

Then open a new terminal tab and run:

hs -o