toshiText is an application to send bitcoin transactions via text message.
This a class project developed by five students for the Software Product Development class (SPD) 1.3 at Make School in San Francisco, California.
To enable people across the world to take control of their personal finances.
To learn more about toshiText visit our documentation site
- Node - Node
- MongoDB - Document based database
- Next.js - React framework for rendering server side apps
- Twilio - Send text messages
- BlockCypher API - create bitcoin wallets and send transactions
send <amount> <destination number>
send mbtc0.004 4150000000
send $4 5031234567
|-- pages/
| |--index.js
| |--request.js
| |--wallet.js
| |--team.js
|-- routes/
|-- users.js
|-- requests.js
|-- models/
|-- Account.js
|-- Request.js
|-- User.js
|-- services/
|-- static/
|-- favicon-small.png
|-- images/
|-- config/
| |-- dev.js
|-- index.js
|-- prod.js
|-- styles/
|-- main.scss/
|-- env files
|-- server.js
|-- next.config.js
|-- env.config.js
|-- .babelrc.js
|-- misc
To begin using the project:
- clone it
- rename
- change the example keys in
to your own - start your database
- start the app
$ git clone
$ cd best_website_ever
$ npm install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ mongod
$ npm run dev
To deploy to Heroku:
git clone
npm run dev
git add .
git commit -m 'deploying to heroku'
heroku create my-cool-app-name
git remote -v
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox
git push heroku master
Live version -
- Role: Backend Engineer
- Technologies: Node, Express, Handlebars, MongoDB
- Role: Frontend Engineer
- Technologies: Node, Express, MongoDB, Next
- Role: Backend Engineer
- Technologies: Node, Express, MongoDB
- Role: Senior Backend Engineer
- Technologies: Node, Express, MongoDB
- Role: Product Manager
- Technologies: Node, Express, MongoDB, Google Cloud, Git/Github