
Experiments in self-governing social networks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Apologies for the messy code, I was on a deadline! :) Improvements coming soon


Assemblies are decentralized, self-governing communities on Ethereum. One of the key values of this project is flexibility: community "founders" are free to dictate initial governance structure, with anything from a "************" (complete control by one person) to one-person-one-vote democracy to completely random decision-making being possible. Some additional possibilities include:

  • Voting power allocated based on ETH balance or ownership of some token
  • Proposal adjudication based on a randomly selected subset of users ("jury system")
  • Quadratic voting with auto-generating "vote credits"
  • Liquid democracy: users can delegate voting power to other users

Smart contracts

All contracts can be found here.

The Social contract defines a set of standard social features and accepts a governance contract as a constructor argument.

The GovContract is an abstract contract that all governance contracts implement. Governance contracts handle both governance proposals and user permissions.

See these contracts for example implementations:

  • ************.sol: only the contract publisher and those he pre-approves may post
  • Gerontocracy.sol: any non-banned user may post; voting power for ban proposals is allocated based on account age.
  • Plutocracy.sol: voting power can be bought with ETH
  • Liquid.sol: liquid democracy; voting power can be delegated to a different user

Try it out

Plutocracy: https://assembly-plutocracy.netlify.app Liquid: https://assembly-liquid.netlify.app/gov Gerontocracy: https://assembly-ger.netlify.app/gov

All of these demos use the Kovan testnet.

Apologies for the somewhat unintuitive UI. Demo video coming soon.

Future work

  • Deploy on a sidechain for scalability
  • Create a social "factory contract" and intuitive UI for people to launch their own communities
  • Discoverability
  • UX improvements