
Docker Laravel Traefik

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Laravel Traefik

Boilerplate for laravel projects using Traefik. It will help local development using custom url we want without doing any configurations.

Installation in existing Laravel project

To deploy existing project place folder inside your exisitng Laravel setup and run following command

  docker compose build
  docker compose up -d

It will run two containers and website could be able to access from http://laravel.localhost/

Installation in fresh Laravel project

To deploy new project run following command

  docker compose build
  docker compose up -d
  docker exec --workdir /srv/app laravel sh -c "/usr/bin/composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel"
  docker exec --workdir /srv/app laravel sh -c "rm -rf public/* && mv laravel/{.*,*} ."

website could be able to access from http://laravel.localhost/

Change Host Name

To change host name edit compose.yaml

 - "traefik.http.routers.laravel.rule=Host(`laravel.localhost`)"

change Host name from laravel.localhost to any name you want.