Garage Method tutorial with Cloud Foundry

DevOps is a methodology that aims to improve development and operational efficiencies while enhancing partnership with customers. DevOps is more than doing the same things faster; it establishes a delivery pipeline that spans from ideation to monitoring.

To start working from a DevOps approach, use the DevOps Tutorial Toolchain. You'll get a DevOps toolchain in IBM® Bluemix™ Continuous Delivery that is built by using best of breed tools, deployed to IBM Bluemix, and has the foundation for test, scalability, and operations.

The toolchain comes with a sample application written in Node.js Express 4 that you can further extend. This sample code is used in Become a Garage Method Advocate course that explains how to configure a toolchain to use for cloud native development in DevOps Services and Bluemix. You could also use this toolchain template and use your own application code repository.

To set up and run certain stages of the pipeline, you might need to register for other tools or services. The course guides you through those details.

Create your DevOps toolchain now!

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