
An app where users can filter New York Times articles by news sections of interest

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NY Times Top Stories

Table of Contents


NY Times Top Stories allows users to view top news stories based on thier news section of interest.

Project Goals

  • Practice builidng an entire app quickly to simulate a take home challenge
  • Solidify all skills and processes learned at bootcamp including:
    • React
    • React Hooks
    • React Router
    • Gobal State Management, or context API
    • Rest API, fetch calls
    • Data cleaning
    • Error Handling
    • Considering Edge Cases
    • Accessiblilty
    • Responsive Design
    • Data manipulation (iterators)
    • SCSS (flexbox, grid, animations)
    • Cypress Testing
    • Git and Github (pull request templates)
    • Project Planning (with Figma and Github project boards)
    • User Experience

Project Specs

View wire frame here View project requirements here


The user can select a news category to begin viewing news articles

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Brows Articles By Catergory

Once a category is selected, users can scroll through the cards to find an articles of interest

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Article Details Page:

When users click a card, they are taken to an articles details pages where they can view more information about the article including an abstract. They can click a button to be linked to the full NYT article, or go back to brows more of the articles

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Error Handling:

If a user types in an incorrect url, they will be directed to this error page. There is a similar error page for any error that may arise with errors in the fetch call.

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  • Had problems switching versions of React from 19 back to 17. In the end I chose to use version 18 and it worked out ok.
  • When trying to apply a context api, I learned that you can only pass one variable as a value to the children of the context provider.
  • Ran into problems with git and learned how to undo commits and stay more organized
  • Learned that a question mark in the url is a reserved keyword and it was effecting how I passed down the aricle title with useParams
  • The initial installatino of cypress didn't generate a cypress folder so I found solutions for that
  • I also spent many hours learning the quirts of SCSS and which units work best for an display that is responsive to screen size.

Future Iterations

  • Add feature so users can search articles by keyword
  • Add a 'save for later' feature so users can collect stories they want to read later
  • Add media queries for a more exact responsive design
  • I'd like to add new CSS features (an indicator for which section button a user has clicked, a carousel for the images that go with an artice, conditionally rendered borders that match the color of the article's section, add variable and mix-ins to clean up the CSS
  • I'm interested in making the app the PWA
  • I'd like to set up continous integretion and deploy the app

Install and Setup

To run this app locally:

  1. fork this repository
  2. run git clone git@github.com:jasmyn2244/ny-times-top-stories.git in your command line
  3. Run cd ny-times-top-stories to navigate into the repository
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run npm start
  6. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to view NY Times Top Stories app!


For this project, I access data from the NYT Top Stories API.


Tech Stack


React Router




Jasmyn Hicks (she/her) GitHub