
A .NET Standard 2.0 library to assist with processing motorola s-record format files used for uploading and processing firmware.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This library will load, parse and validate a motorola sRecord file according to the Ubuntu srec manpage and the Wikipedia SREC (file format) article.

Some inspiration was taken from reading the code by Vanya A. Sergeev and Jerry G. Scherer However, you'll note mine is significantly different.


    // read all of the data, tracking the parse result for each line.
    var document = SRecordDocument.CreateFromFile("FakeFirmware.s37");

    // compute some statistics.
    var parsingStats = document.CalculateParseStatistics();
    var dataStats = document.CalculateDataStatistics();

    // Report on what's in the file.
    Console.WriteLine($"Record type counts:");
    Console.WriteLine($"S0 {dataStats.S0Count}; S1 {dataStats.S1Count}; S2 {dataStats.S2Count}; S3 {dataStats.S3Count}; S4 {dataStats.S4Count}; S5 {dataStats.S5Count}; S6 {dataStats.S6Count}; S7 {dataStats.S7Count}; S8 {dataStats.S8Count}; S9: {dataStats.S9Count}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Parsing stats:");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total number of blank lines: {parsingStats.BlankElementCount}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total number of lines with parsing errors: {parsingStats.ErrorElementCount}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total number of stand alone comment lines: {parsingStats.StandAloneCommentCount}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total number of lines with comments: {parsingStats.ElementsWithCommentsCount}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total number of lines with s-record entries: {parsingStats.ElementsWithSRecordDataCount}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total number of lines with comments and s-record entries: {parsingStats.SRecordDataWithCommentCount}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Total line count: {parsingStats.TotalElementsCount}");
    /* The above gives the following output:
    Record type counts:
    S0 1; S1 3; S2 0; S3 0; S4 0; S5 1; S6 0; S7 0; S8 0; S9: 1

    Parsing stats:
    Total number of blank lines: 0
    Total number of lines with parsing errors: 0
    Total number of stand alone comment lines: 3
    Total number of lines with comments: 3
    Total number of lines with s-record entries: 6
    Total number of lines with comments and s-record entries: 0
    Total line count: 9

    // now access the data and upload the firmware to a device.
    foreach (var record in document.SRecords)
        // get a byte array if it's S1, S2, S3 and send firmware to the device.
        if (record.Type.Key == "S1" || record.Type.Key == "S2" || record.Type.Key == "S3")
            UploadToFirmware(record.Address, record.Type.AddressLengthInBytes, record.Data.ToArray());
        // set the execution address if S7, S8, or S9
        else if (record.Type.Key == "S7" || record.Type.Key == "S8" || record.Type.Key == "S9")

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