
Git Extension For Worktree Management

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Git Extension For Worktree Management

Caveat Emptor

This is very new code. It has not had extensive testing. Use in full knowledge there may be bugs.


This helper is intended to assist in managing git worktrees in a workflow based on a project folder with worktrees beneath it.

It features a much shorter syntax, and a streamlined feature set. More advanced worktree usage should use git worktree directly.


It is intended to run as a git helper, with git-wt in your path, using git wt to invoke it. You can run git-wt directly if you wish.

Syntax is: git wt <command>

Commands are:

  • cl
    • Prepare a project directory by cloning the default branch and writing a git-wt configuration file in that project directory.
  • ls
    • List the worktrees in the project.
  • mk
    • Add a worktree to the project.
  • mv
    • Move a worktree within the project.
  • rm
    • Remove a worktree from the project.
  • xx
    • Reset the project.

Project Layout

graph TD
  root[Project Folder]
  Config File]
  Worktree Folders]


Git Worktree Coverage

The goal is to cover the git worktree commands essential to a worktree-based workflow. Not every command is likely to be implemented, or implemented with all possible flags.

Git Worktree Command git-wt Command Notes
list ls No arguments supported.
add mk Does not implement locks or guess-remote.
remove rm Full implementation.
move mv Full implementation.
prune tbd Under review.
lock n/a No intent to implement.
unlock n/a No intent to implement.
repair n/a No intent to implement.