
Run a tmux session inside a pseudo terminal to support full unicode and present of the pitft

Primary LanguagePython


What is it?

  • terminal emulator supporting 16, 256 and 24bit colors of foreground/background, underline, reverse and bold
  • miniwi BDF font (with a few additional custom qrcode glyphs) supporting line drawing characters, drawille
  • qrcode utility to use custom glyphs
  • runs tmux, used to connect to a session to remote control the display
  • use simple shell scripts to output whatever you like
  • 60 columns * 30 rows on a 1.3" display (pretty much unreadable without a magnifying glass)
  • buttons switch tmux window


This is my Pi Zero W and the Adafruit PiTFT 1.3" hat.

reddit TIL figlet trivia weather wttr.in temperature graph count down ansi art pixterm


apt install tmux python3-pip

pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-rgb-display spidev bdflib pyte qrcode ptyprocess gpiozero

How to run

Includes a systemd service file to connect the display to tmux. Copy pitft-tmux.service to /etc/systemd/system. Then run systemctl enable pitft-tmux.service and start it with systemctl start pitft-tmux.service.

Include this in your .bashrc to autorun tmux on login and relaunch if it gets disconnected.

if [[ $(tty) == "/dev/tty1" ]] && [[ -z "$TMUX" ]]; then 
        while true; do      
             tmux new-session -A -s "tty"

You'll probably want to auto login the pi user via raspi-config

Choose option 3: Boot Options
Choose option B2: Console Autologin
Select Finish, and reboot the Raspberry Pi.


Manually run it with ./pitft-tmux.py. Then connect to the tmux session with tmux new-session -A -s "tty"


Color definitions, default is set to gruvbox.


Custom glyphs are in the unused ee00:eeff range of unicode. qrunicode converts a qrcode matrix to these glyphs to fit more bits on the screen than the traditional block glyphs.

usage: qrunicode.py [-h] [--reverse] [FILE [FILE ...]]

Print qrcodes using custom miniwi-qrunicode BDF font

positional arguments:
  FILE        files to read, if empty, stdin is used

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --reverse   reverse qrcode colors