Note: This project is useful to learn Apollo GraphQL and TypeORM with Typescript for beginner.
- Basic Session Authentication.
- Building GraphQL queries and muations using a decorator
to the regular typescript class. This project allows users to login, register, post their blogs, and read them This project uses pnpm as the package manager, so you have to install it
- Nodejs,
- PostgreSQL
docker pull postgres
docker run --name your-postgresql-container-name -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
- Redis
docker pull redis
docker run --name your-redis-container-name -p 6379:6379 -d redis
This project assumes that you have preinstalled these packages on your machine. If you didn't do it yet, I recommend you to intall them using Docker.
pnpm install
And There are several peer dependencies requried to install manually, so you have to install them manually. If you installed all the dependencies, it's time to run this project now.
pnpm watch
pnpm dev
And open the web browser, go to the http://localhost:4000/graphql If everything is okay, you have to see the same image below.
You can see the frontend at Blog project using Nextjs, Apollo graphql