
Archives files from a continous mp3 stream to local storage and/or AWS S3

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Powershell script to archive files from a continous mp3 stream to local storage and/or AWS S3. This script was created to regularly capture files created by the Proscan application in order to reguarly archive files to AWS S3 to be published as a podcast using the lambda-podcast project.


Target system

  • Powershell 5.1 (the script may work with other versions but has been tested with Powershell 5.1 on Windows 10)
  • An application continuously recording mp3 files (this was designed to work with Proscan)
  • source mp3 files recorded to path similar to: [parentpath]/[date]/[mp3file]

AWS S3 (optional)


  • clone repository
  • configure a scheduled task in windows to execute at desired frequency

Scheduled task configuration

Sample command for execution within task scheduler

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file {YourPathToScriptFile}\capture-mp3.ps1 -sourcedir {PathToSourceDirectory} -destdir {PathToDestDirectory} -s3bucket {S3bucket} -retainlocaldays 1 -retrywaitseconds 3 -maxretries 15

Command line arguments

Argument Required Default Description
sourcedir Yes None Directory above directory (ex date) containing target recordings
destdir Yes None local directory to hold recording snapshots on each execution
s3bucket No None target AWS S3 Bucket. Leave as '' if copy to s3 is not desired
retainlocaldays No 1 Number of days data to retain locally in the destdir structure
retrywaitseconds No 3 Number of seconds to wait between retries if the file is in use
maxretries No 15 Maximum number of times to attempt retry if file is in use

Proscan recorder settings

The following settings are recommended if recording from Proscan

  • VOX recording mode
  • Max Recording time: None