Powershell script to archive files from a continous mp3 stream to local storage and/or AWS S3. This script was created to regularly capture files created by the Proscan application in order to reguarly archive files to AWS S3 to be published as a podcast using the lambda-podcast project.
Target system
- Powershell 5.1 (the script may work with other versions but has been tested with Powershell 5.1 on Windows 10)
- An application continuously recording mp3 files (this was designed to work with Proscan)
- source mp3 files recorded to path similar to: [parentpath]/[date]/[mp3file]
AWS S3 (optional)
- AWS account with target S3 bucket
- AWS IAM identity / group / policy to allow write access to target s3 bucket
- Install AWS tools for powershell (S3) on recording machine
Install-Module -name AWSPowerShell.NetCore Import-Module AWSPowerShell.NetCore
- Configure AWS key/secret in to be used by aws tools for Powershell
- clone repository
- configure a scheduled task in windows to execute at desired frequency
Scheduled task configuration
Sample command for execution within task scheduler
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file {YourPathToScriptFile}\capture-mp3.ps1 -sourcedir {PathToSourceDirectory} -destdir {PathToDestDirectory} -s3bucket {S3bucket} -retainlocaldays 1 -retrywaitseconds 3 -maxretries 15
Command line arguments
Argument | Required | Default | Description |
sourcedir | Yes | None | Directory above directory (ex date) containing target recordings |
destdir | Yes | None | local directory to hold recording snapshots on each execution |
s3bucket | No | None | target AWS S3 Bucket. Leave as '' if copy to s3 is not desired |
retainlocaldays | No | 1 | Number of days data to retain locally in the destdir structure |
retrywaitseconds | No | 3 | Number of seconds to wait between retries if the file is in use |
maxretries | No | 15 | Maximum number of times to attempt retry if file is in use |
Proscan recorder settings
The following settings are recommended if recording from Proscan
- VOX recording mode
- Max Recording time: None