
Binary STL file "swiss army knife"

Primary LanguageC++


STooL is a "Swiss Army Knife" tool for STL files. Quickly Scale, Rotate, Split and Translate objects in STL files.


  • Favorite Linux distro
  • C++ 20
  • Boost


# Release Build
make all    

# Debug Build
make debug

# Clean
make all


DEBUG: dump STL file.

bash ./stool --input input.stl --dump

ROTATE: X axis 90 degrees, Y axis 45 degrees, Z axis 0.

bash ./stool --input input.stl --output output.stl --rotate 90,45,0

SCALE: X axis 25%, Y axis 2X

bash ./stool --input input.stl --output output.stl --scale 0.25,2,1

SPLIT: separate "Manifold" objects into separate files.

bash ./stool --input input.stl --split

TRANSLATE: move objects within STL file.

bash ./stool --input input.stl --output output.stl --translate 10,1,-3.3

CENTROID: calculate the center of mass the STL.

bash ./stool --input input.stl --centroid

MIN/MAX: calculate the maximum and minimum of each axis.

bash ./stool --input input.stl --minmax
