A shell to facilitate loading / running CIBERSORT software in structured environments

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A python wrapper and module to facilitate loading / calling CIBERSORT software in structured environments.

With this software you can:

  1. Have options for gencode name harmonazation.
  2. Run CIBERSORT through a python module with pandas dataframes in and out.
  3. Run CIBERSORT through the command-line with simplified IO
  4. Load or build a conda environment sufficent for meeting CIBERSORT requirements.
  5. Build a docker to capable of executing CIBERSORT through this python-wrapper or the original command-line interface.

I am not an author of CIBERSORT nor am I affiliated with thier group.

Find the official CIBERSORT package here:


CIBERSORT is NOT freely available for download or distribution, and at the time of creation of this wrapper, the package license does not permit redistribution. You will need to request the code from the CIBERSORT administrators to use this wrapper and adhere to all of thier license restrictions. The Apache 2.0 license here only refers to the CIBERSORT-wrapper code only.

And if you find this useful, please cite the CIBERSORT authors' publication:

Newman AM, Liu CL, Green MR, Gentles AJ, Feng W, Xu Y, Hoang CD, Diehn M, Alizadeh AA. Robust enumeration of cell subsets from tissue expression profiles. Nat Methods. 2015 May;12(5):453-7. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3337. Epub 2015 Mar 30. PubMed PMID: 25822800; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4739640.


1. Acquire a licensed distribution of the CIBERSORT source from the CIBERSORT website.

https://cibersort.stanford.edu/index.php This involves a request, a waiting period, email confirmation, and limited time download. Also be read the license agreement carefully since it contains a lot of clauses that would be hard to find in any academic project. The most relevant one to this guide is no distribution. This wrapper does not include CIBERSORT software nor does it grant any license to distribute CIBERSORT software loaded into a docker.

If the file you get access to is the file with v1.06 in its jar file, it will be a zip file such as


2. Clone this repository and enter into its directory.

$ git clone https://github.com/jason-weirather/CIBERSORT.git

3. Copy CIBERSORT into this wrapper and expand if running locally.

$ cp ~/Downloads/CIBERSORT_package.zip ./

(method A: Docker) If you are building the docker, you don't have to expand this file. (if its what this wrapper is expecting).

(method B: Local install) From inside repository directory expand it into CIBERSORT_DISTRIBUTION using the included script.

$ sh steps.sh

Not this is not a bundled directory so if you unzip it, it will explode into its desitination. The following contents are what this wrapper is expecting.

├── CIBERSORT_documentation.txt
├── CIBERSORT_license.txt
├── ExampleMixtures-GEPs.txt
├── ExampleMixtures-GroundTruth.txt
├── FinalMixtureMatrix.Abbas.HCT116.Res30.subset.txt
├── FinalMixtureMatrix.Spike.Abbas.coloncancer.subset.txt
├── GSE11103_matrix_classes.GSE11103_matrix_pure.bm.K999.0.txt
├── GSE11103_matrix_classes.txt
├── GSE11103_matrix_mixtures.txt
├── GSE11103_matrix_pure.txt
├── LM22.txt
└── lib
    ├── CCLE_nonBlood_Avgs.txt
    ├── REngine.jar
    ├── RserveEngine.jar
    ├── XavierGEP.NonImmune.txt
    ├── commons-math-2.2.jar
    └── jsch-0.1.44.jar

4. Docker Install

From inside the repository directory build the docker:

$ docker build . -t cibersort:1.06.0

Now the CIBERSORT python wrapper command is available via docker.

$ docker run --rm cibersort:1.06.0 CIBERSORT
usage: CIBERSORT [-h] [--mixture_file MIXTURE_FILE] [--tsv_in] [--tsv_out]
                 [--output OUTPUT] [--absolute ABSOLUTE] [--verbose]
                 [--nperm NPERM]
                 [--tempdir TEMPDIR | --specific_tempdir SPECIFIC_TEMPDIR]
CIBERSORT: error: the following arguments are required: input

If you can also access the original java command is also exposed. Here CIBERSORT.jar is just shell script that fires up the Rserver and sets -Xmx3g -Xms3g options. You can put all your options after this command and run it like the java command.

$ docker run --rm cibersort:1.06.0 CIBERSORT.jar
                   CIBERSORT v1.06
    Cell-type Identification By Estimating Relative
               Subsets Of RNA Transcripts

            Newman et al., Nat Methods 2015

R CMD Rserve --no-save
java -jar CIBERSORT.jar -M Mixture -B Signature_Matrix [Options]

At least 3 parallel threads required for Unix systems (1 thread for Windows systems)
At least 2GB RAM recommended, e.g. for 3GB:
java -jar -Xmx3g -Xms3g -jar CIBERSORT.jar ...

Argument   Description (details or default value)
--------   --------------------------------------
-M File    [Required] Mixture file (GEP matrix: row 1 = sample labels; column 1 = gene symbols; no missing values)
-B File    Signature matrix file (Cell type GEP barcode matrix: row 1 = sample labels; column 1 = gene symbols; no missing values)
           *This argument supersedes -P and -c (below) which collectively are used to build a signature matrix
-P File    Purified sample file (Purified cell GEP matrix: row 1 = sample labels; column 1 = gene symbols; no missing values)
-c File    Phenotype classes (Each row: phenotype label followed by 1 (class of interest), 2 (compare against), or 0 (ignore))
-n Integer Set number of permutations for statistical analysis (100)
-A         Run CIBERSORT in absolute mode (False)
-a         Disable sum-to-1 constraint in absolute mode (signature gene score used by default; see website for details)
-v         Enable verbose output for web version (% complete for permutations and CIBERSORT)
-q [0-1]   Set q-value cutoff for differential expression analysis (0.3)
-k Integer Set maximum condition number, or kappa, for signature matrix (999)
-m Integer Set minimum number of DEGs to consider from each phenotype for signature matrix (50)
-x Integer Set maximum number of DEGs to consider from each phenotype for signature matrix (150)
-g         Merge cell types during signature matrix construction to reduce kappa until below maximum threshold  (False)
-f         Filter non-hematopoietic genes from signature matrix during construction (False)
-S         Remake signature gene matrix (False)

5. Local Install

A. Install the requirements for CIBERSORT (and make sure you have python3 for this wrapper)

Descriptions are in the CIBERSORT documentation.

Conda packages that currently effectively meet these requirements are

    - python 3*
    - r 3.4.1*
    - openjdk 8.0.144*
    - r-rserve 1.7_3*
    - r-e1071 1.6_8*
    - r-colorramps 2.3*
    - bioconductor-preprocesscore 1.40.0*

You can install these yourself, or I recommend using the conda environment I made for these requirements.

The necessary channels can be found in CIBERSORT/.condarc Please add these to your channels.

If you don't have a ~/.condarc already you can use this one.

$ cp .condarc ~/.condarc

Now you can create the environment

$ conda create -n CIBERSORT -c vacation cibersort
$ source activate CIBERSORT

B. Install the CIBERSORT wrapper

From within this repositories directory, and if you are using conda, from within your conda environment do the following:

(CIBERSORT) $ pip install -e .

Now the CIBERSORT python wrapper command should be available.

usage: CIBERSORT [-h] [--mixture_file MIXTURE_FILE] [--tsv_in] [--tsv_out]
                 [--output OUTPUT] [--absolute ABSOLUTE] [--verbose]
                 [--nperm NPERM]
                 [--tempdir TEMPDIR | --specific_tempdir SPECIFIC_TEMPDIR]
CIBERSORT: error: the following arguments are required: input

Alternatively, since you have all the source, you can run the original CIBERSORT java command by starting the R server and calling the command. This examples assumes you are in an environment with all requirements installed and you are currently in your repo directory. You'll have to provide the path to the .jar when you run this command. This is how you would run the command without any wrapper.

(CIBERSORT) $ Rscript -e "library(Rserve);Rserve(args=\"--no-save\")"