Things To-Do app

This is a simple "Things" To-Do app clone that uses:

  • React
  • jotai
  • Tailwind
  • Prisma
  • TypeScript

You can run it locally by simply cloning this repo and typing:

npm install
npm run dev

into your terminal.

Why I made this

I wanted to get a deeper look into capabilities of - a debugging tool that records everything that happens in your application when you interact with it. It plays really well with React and state management tools like jotai. To learn more make sure to visit the homepage.

Cypress &

Besides recording everything in the browser, you can create recordings by simply running your tests with GitHub Actions. Take a look into workflow file to find out more or checkout docs for a full tutorial.

Take a look into yourself

To experience how can help you with debugging, download browser, open your app and hit record. Add your first print statement to the recording and be blown away 💥

To see how Cypress tests and work together on this project, click on this invitation link to see replays recorded on this project.