
A Rails and React app for building and embedding web forms.

Primary LanguageRuby


Build and embed web forms with ease.


  • Ruby 2.6.5
  • Rails 6
  • PostgreSQL 11.6
  • Redis 5.0.7
  • React.js 16
  • Webpacker
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • CircleCI
  • DigitalOcean
  • Dokku

Get started

  1. clone this repo
  2. obtain the master.key and put it in config/ directory.
  3. give master.key correct permissions: chmod 600 config/master.key
  4. build the image docker-compose build
  5. setup for development docker-compose run --rm app /bin/bash -c "bundle config --delete without && gem install foreman && bundle && yarn && rails db:setup"
  6. run docker-compose up


Admin: admin@example.com / password

Member: member@example.com / password

Mailer Previews

You can preview all mailer views by visiting http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers.

Mailer previews are located in the spec/mailers/previews directory.

Care should be taken not to create permanent data through the preview classes.




Fires when a user starts a new subscription or updates their payment method.


Fires when a subscription is updated. Use this to update the subscription status.


Fires when a subscription is canceled. Use this to flag the subscription as canceled.


Fires 3 days before a trial subscription will end. Use this to trigger an email to the user.


Fires when a payment fails. Currently not being used.

Listening to webhooks in development

Install stripe-cli in order to use webhooks in development. Follow the instructions to login.

Run the webhook listener

stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:3000/subscription/webhook -e 'checkout.session.completed,customer.subscription.updated,customer.subscription.deleted,customer.subscription.trial_will_end,invoice.payment_failed'

This will output the webhook signing key when started.

Export this key to your ENV so it can be consumed in docker-compose. The key does not change.