This is an example showing how to use Sentry to catch and report errors on both the front and back ends, using the official Sentry SDK for Next.js.
are used to configure and initialize Sentrynext.config.js
automatically injects Sentry into your app usingwithSentryConfig
(which is rendered by Next.js when handling certain types of exceptions) is overridden so those exceptions can be passed along to Sentry- Each API route is handled with
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It only takes a few steps to create and deploy your own version of this example app. Before you begin, make sure you have linked your Vercel account to GitHub, and set up a project in Sentry.
You can deploy a copy of this project directly to Vercel.
This will clone this example to your GitHub org, create a linked project in Vercel, and prompt you to install the Vercel Sentry Integration. (You can read more about the integration on Vercel and in the Sentry docs.)
Alternatively, you can create a copy of ths example app locally so you can configure and customize it before you deploy it.
To begin, execute create-next-app
with npx or Yarn, to create the app and install dependencies:
npx create-next-app --example with-sentry nextjs-sentry-example
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-sentry nextjs-sentry-example
Next, run sentry-wizard
, which will create and populate the settings files needed by @sentry/nextjs
to initialize the SDK and upload source maps to Sentry:
npx @sentry/wizard -i nextjs
Once the files are created, you can further configure your app by adding SDK settings to sentry.server.config.js
and sentry.client.config.js
and SentryWebpackPlugin
settings to next.config.js
(If you'd rather do the SDK set-up manually, you can do that, too.)
You should now be able to build and run your app locally, upload source maps, and send errors to Sentry. For more details, check out the Sentry Next.js SDK docs.
Vercel reads you code from GitHub, so you first need to create an empty GitHub repo for your project and then add it to your local repo as a remote:
git remote add origin<org>/<repo>.git
Next, create a project in Vercel and link it to your GitHub repo.
In order for Vercel to upload source maps to Sentry when building your app, it needs an auth token. To use the personal token set up by the wizard, add an environment variable to your Vercel project with the key SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN
and the value you'll find in .sentryclirc
at the root level of your project. To use an org-wide token instead, set up the Vercel Sentry Integration. (You can read more about the integration on Vercel and in the Sentry docs.)
Finally, commit your app and push it to GitHub:
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push
This will trigger a deployment in Vercel. Head over to your Vercel dashboard and click on your project and then "Visit" to see the results!