
Fix Sublime Text 3 Input method problem (CJK words) under Ubuntu

Primary LanguageC

Sublime Text 3 Input Method(Fcitx) Fix [Ubuntu(Debian)]

Main Purposes

This repo is aimed at doing the following three things:

  • Install Sublime Text 3
  • Install Fcitx Input Method
  • Fix Sublime Text 3's input method problem(Mainly for CJK characters) under Ubuntu(Debian) System


  • (new) Fix "Package Preference" cannot open issue. Thanks for @liberize
  • (new) Now, Sublime opened by Icon.desktop can also use Fcitx Input(Dash Icon also work)
  • (new) Fix cursor position not update bug
  • (new) Support 32-bit system. Thanks for @inouetoukyou

Important Note

  • Sublime Text 3 input method fix only works when executing from terminal, such as subl .


Steps to use this repo:

  • Update and then upgrade your system to the newest
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Clone this repo in your local directory :
git clone https://github.com/lyfeyaj/sublime-text-imfix.git
  • Change your current directory to sublime-text-imfix:
cd sublime-text-imfix
  • Run the below script :
  • Done! Re-login your X windows. And then you can enjoy using Sublime Text 3 with Fctix Input Method!

Completion Preview:


gcc -shared -o libsublime-imfix.so sublime-imfix.c  `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0` -fPIC

Sublime Text 3 输入法(Fcitx)修复[Ubuntu(Debian)]


  • 安装 Sublime Text 3
  • 安装 Fcitx 输入法 + 皮肤
  • 修复 Sublime Text 3's 在 Ubuntu(Debian) 系统下的无法输入中文(CJK 字符)输入法的问题


  • (new) 修复了 "Package Preference" 无法打开的问题, 感谢 @liberize
  • (new) 通过 Ubuntu 系统图标打开的 Sublime 也支持 Fcitx 输入中文了
  • (new) 修复了输入法不跟随的 Bug
  • (new) 支持 32位 系统. 感谢 @inouetoukyou


  • 这个修复仅当在终端中使用 subl . 调用 Sublime Text 的时有效, 具体原因请看源代码src/subl


  • 更新并升级系统为最新(较新的系统会解决很多可能出现的问题)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  • 克隆项目到本地 :
git clone https://github.com/lyfeyaj/sublime-text-imfix.git
  • 运行脚本 :
cd sublime-text-imfix && ./sublime-imfix
  • 完成! 重新启动后就可以在 Sublime Text 3 中 使用 Fcitx了! 注意: 皮肤可能需要自己选择 ^_^

