
A docker based coding environment with batteries included

Primary LanguageShell

#MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMjasonben/                     dddddddd
#MMNOxddddddddddddddddddddddddddddxONMMM    iiii              d::::::d
#Wk;;cllllllllllllllllllllllllllllc;;kWM   i::::i             d::::::d
#K,,0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0,,KM    iiii              d::::::d
#O':XMMMKc:kWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:'OM  iiiiiii     ddddddddd:::::d     eeeeeeeeeeee
#O':XMMMWKl,:kNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:'OM  i:::::i   dd::::::::::::::d   ee::::::::::::ee
#O':XMMMMMW0l,:ONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:'OM   i::::i  d::::::::::::::::d  e::::::eeeee:::::ee
#O':XMMMMMMMW0;.lNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:'OM   i::::i d:::::::ddddd:::::d e::::::e     e:::::e
#O':XMMMMMMW0l,:OWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:'OM   i::::i d::::::d    d:::::d e:::::::eeeee::::::e
#O':NMMMMWKl,:ONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN:'OM   i::::i d:::::d     d:::::d e:::::::::::::::::e
#O':XMMMXo,:ONMMMMXkddddddddddkXMMMX:'OM   i::::i d:::::d     d:::::d e::::::eeeeeeeeeee
#O':XMMMKxONMMMMMMKdlllllllllldKMMMX:'OM   i::::i d:::::d     d:::::d e:::::::e
#0':XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:'0M  i::::::id::::::ddddd::::::dde::::::::e
#Xc.o0KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0o.cXM  i::::::i d:::::::::::::::::d e::::::::eeeeeeee
#MXxc:cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc:cxXMM  i::::::i  d:::::::::ddd::::d  ee:::::::::::::e
#MMMWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNWWMMMM  iiiiiiii   ddddddddd   ddddd    eeeeeeeeeeeeee


curl https://jasonben.com/ide -fsSL | sh



Preferred terminal emulator - Kitty

# dnf install kitty
# apk add kitty
# pacman -S kitty
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasonben/ide/main/dotfiles/host/kitty/kitty.conf > ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf

Preferred font - JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono

(set in kitty.conf) Nerd Fonts


Install curl and docker

# linux (X86_64 / arm64)
# curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
# macOS (arm64)
# curl -O https://desktop.docker.com/mac/main/arm64/Docker.dmg && open Docker.dmg
# fedora
sudo dnf -y install curl dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo
sudo dnf install -y docker-ce
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker

Documentation (wip)

Vim - Language Server

  • K lsp-hover
  • [g lsp-previous-diagnostic
  • ]g lsp-next-diagnostic
  • gS lsp-workspace-symbol-search
  • gd lsp-definition
  • gi lsp-implementation
  • gr lsp-references
  • gs lsp-document-symbol-search
  • gt lsp-type-definition
  • <c-f> lsp#scroll(+4
  • <c-d> lsp#scroll(-4)
  • <leader>rn lsp-rename

Vim - Cursor Movement

  • gt :tabn next tab
  • gT :tabp previous tab
  • [i]gt - go to tab [i]

Vim - Tabs Management

  • :tabs - list open tabs
  • :tabm 0 - move current tab to first position
  • :tabm - move current tab to last position
  • :tabm [i] - move current tab to position [i]

Vim - Close Tab

  • :tabc - close current tab
  • :tabo - close all other tabs

Vim - New Split

Pro-Tip: control splitting directionality by setting splitright and splitbelow options.

  • <C-w>n (:new [file]) - split horizontaly
  • <C-w>s (:split [file]) - split horizontaly
  • <C-w>v (:vsplit [file]) - split verticaly

Vim - Cursor Movement

  • <C-w>w - next split
  • <C-w>p - previous split
  • <C-w><Up> - move above
  • <C-w><Down> - move bellow
  • <C-w><Left> - move left
  • <C-w><Right> - move right

Vim - Splits Movement

  • <C-w>r - rotate to the right
  • <C-w>H - move to the left
  • <C-w>J - move to the bottom
  • <C-w>K - move to the top
  • <C-w>L - move to the right
  • <C-w>T - (:tab split) move split to new tab

Vim - Resize Split

  • <C-w>p + - increase height
  • <C-w>p - - decrease height
  • <C-w>p < - increase width
  • <C-w>p > - decrease width

Vim - Close Split

  • <C-w>c (:close) - close split
  • <C-w>q (:q) - close split and quit file
  • <C-w>o (:only) - close all other splits

Vim - Window Swap

  • Navigate to the window you'd like to move
  • Press <leader>ww
  • Navigate to the window you'd like to swap with
  • Press <leader>ww again

Vim - Folds

  • zM - closes all open folds.
  • zo - opens folds
  • zc - closes fold
  • zm - increases the foldlevel by one.
  • zr - decreases the foldlevel by one.
  • zR - decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open.
  • zj - moves the cursor to the next fold.
  • zk - moves the cursor to the previous fold.
  • za - toggle a fold at the cursor.
  • zO - opens all folds at the cursor.
  • zc - closes a fold under cursor.
  • zd - deletes the fold at the cursor.
  • zE - deletes all folds.
  • [z - move to start of open fold.
  • ]z - move to end of open fold.
  • zf#j - creates a fold from the cursor down # lines.
  • zf/ - string creates a fold from the cursor to string .

Tmux - New Tab

  • :tabnew - new blank tab
  • :tabedit [file] - open file in tab

Tmux - General

  • todo

Git Aliases

  # Used like: `git cam`

  a = add --all
  ai = add -i

  ap = apply
  as = apply --stat
  ac = apply --check

  amr = am --resolved
  ams = am --skip

  b = branch
  ba = branch -a
  bd = branch -d
  bdd = branch -D
  br = branch -r
  bu = !git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "@{u}"
  bs = !git-branch-status

  c = commit
  ca = commit -a
  cam = commit -am
  cem = commit --allow-empty -m
  cd = commit --amend
  ced = commit --allow-empty --amend

  cl = clone
  cld = clone --depth 1
  clg = !sh -c 'git clone git://github.com/$1 $(basename $1)' -
  clgp = !sh -c 'git clone git@github.com:$1 $(basename $1)' -
  clgu = !sh -c 'git clone git@github.com:$(git config --get user.username)/$1 $1' -
  cp = cherry-pick
  cpa = cherry-pick --abort
  cpc = cherry-pick --continue
  d = diff
  dc = diff --cached
  dck = diff --cached --check
  dct = difftool --cached

  fo = fetch origin
  fu = fetch upstream
  fp = format-patch

  fk = fsck

  l = log --oneline
  lg = log --oneline --graph --decorate

  lsf = !git ls-files | grep -i
  m = merge
  ma = merge --abort
  mc = merge --continue
  ms = merge --skip

  o = checkout
  om = checkout master
  ob = checkout -b
  opr = !sh -c 'git fo pull/$1/head:pr-$1 && git o pr-$1'

  pr = prune -v

  ps = push
  psf = push -f
  psu = push -u
  pst = push --tags
  pso = push origin
  psao = push --all origin
  psfo = push -f origin
  psuo = push -u origin

  psom = push origin master
  psaom = push --all origin master
  psfom = push -f origin master
  psuom = push -u origin master
  psoc = !git push origin $(git bc)
  psaoc = !git push --all origin $(git bc)
  psfoc = !git push -f origin $(git bc)
  psuoc = !git push -u origin $(git bc)
  psdc = !git push origin :$(git bc)

  pl = pull
  pb = pull --rebase

  plo = pull origin
  pbo = pull --rebase origin
  plom = pull origin master
  ploc = !git pull origin $(git bc)
  pbom = pull --rebase origin master
  pboc = !git pull --rebase origin $(git bc)

  plu = pull upstream
  plum = pull upstream master
  pluc = !git pull upstream $(git bc)
  pbum = pull --rebase upstream master
  pbuc = !git pull --rebase upstream $(git bc)

  rb = rebase
  rba = rebase --abort
  rbc = rebase --continue
  rbi = rebase --interactive
  rbs = rebase --skip

  re = reset
  rh = reset HEAD
  reh = reset --hard
  rem = reset --mixed
  res = reset --soft
  rehh = reset --hard HEAD
  remh = reset --mixed HEAD
  resh = reset --soft HEAD
  rehom = reset --hard origin/master

  r = remote
  ra = remote add
  rr = remote rm
  rv = remote -v
  rn = remote rename
  rp = remote prune
  rs = remote show
  rao = remote add origin
  rau = remote add upstream
  rro = remote remove origin
  rru = remote remove upstream
  rso = remote show origin
  rsu = remote show upstream
  rpo = remote prune origin
  rpu = remote prune upstream
  rmf = rm -f
  rmrf = rm -r -f
  s = status
  sb = status -s -b
  sa = stash apply
  sc = stash clear
  sd = stash drop
  sl = stash list
  sp = stash pop
  ss = stash save
  ssk = stash save -k
  sw = stash show
  st = !git stash list | wc -l 2>/dev/null | grep -oEi '[0-9][0-9]*'
  t = tag
  td = tag -d
  w = show
  wp = show -p
  wr = show -p --no-color
  svnr = svn rebase
  svnd = svn dcommit
  svnl = svn log --oneline --show-commit
  subadd = !sh -c 'git submodule add git://github.com/$1 $2/$(basename $1)' -
  subrm = !sh -c 'git submodule deinit -f -- $1 && rm -rf .git/modules/$1 && git rm -f $1' -
  subup = submodule update --init --recursive
  subpull = !git submodule foreach git pull --tags -f origin master
  assume = update-index --assume-unchanged
  unassume = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
  assumed = !git ls -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3-
  unassumeall = !git assumed | xargs git unassume
  assumeall = !git status -s | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git assume
  bump = !sh -c 'git commit -am \"Version bump v$1\" && git psuoc && git release $1' -
  release = !sh -c 'git tag v$1 && git pst' -
  unrelease = !sh -c 'git tag -d v$1 && git pso :v$1' -
  merged = !sh -c 'git o master && git plom && git bd $1 && git rpo' -
  aliases = !git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-
  snap = !git stash save 'snapshot: $(date)' && git stash apply 'stash@{0}'
  bare = !sh -c 'git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/$1 && git rm --cached -r . && git clean -xfd' -
  whois = !sh -c 'git log -i -1 --author=\"$1\" --pretty=\"format:%an <%ae>\"' -
  serve = daemon --reuseaddr --verbose --base-path=. --export-all ./.git
  behind = !git rev-list --left-only --count $(git bu)...HEAD
  ahead = !git rev-list --right-only --count $(git bu)...HEAD
  ours = "!f() { git checkout --ours $@ && git add $@; }; f"
  theirs = "!f() { git checkout --theirs $@ && git add $@; }; f"
  subrepo = !sh -c 'git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter $1 master' -
  human = name-rev --name-only --refs=refs/heads/*

Troubleshooting macOS problems

# on macOS install tmux-256 color term info file so things work as expected
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ncurses/6.3/bin/infocmp -x tmux-256color > tmux-256color.src
sudo /usr/bin/tic -x tmux-256color.src

# install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/$(whoami)/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Helpful Links


  • Spawn a VPS on vultr, do, hetzner, etc..
  • doctl create ...
  • vultr-cli ...
  • hetzner-cli ...
  • curl https://jasonben.com/kitty -fsSL | sh