
This is the structure and build process that I use setup as a node project for managing a markdown document building process and structure.

Primary LanguageBatchfile


This project is an example of how I use Markdown to manage a documentation project. I created all the batch files for you to easily build and then increment the project version. I recommend taking the rendered PDF and adding the version number on the end. This shows the reader very quickly if they have the most up-to-date version or not.

To summarize the process:

  • Create the git repo
  • Copy the files into it
  • Update the package.json with your project info
  • Edit the md files in your favorite text editor (like atom.io or Notepad++)
  • Make sure the package.json build-doc script has all your md files in the right order
  • Double-click on the build-doc batch file to build your PDF

Long term plans:

I have another version of this project that has primers on the different requirements and more detailed information about how this all works. On a practical level, if you can use git, node and a text editor, you are ready to go.

Initialize Project

The first thing to do is to setup the basic structure. Create a folder and enter that folder. From there, use this command to create a bare git repository structure.

git init --bare

Now, identify where this repository is going to be located and copy these generated files into the new location.

Create a local documentation folder where you will work on and update this project. From this folder, check out the bare git repository.

Note: When using these utilities, notice that the slashes are all forward facing like Linux or the web. If you are on a Windows machine, be careful not to copy-paste paths without updating the slashes.

Tip: If you need to create a .gitignore file in Windows, create a new text file and rename it to .gitignore. to bypass the error message.

git clone "//server/share/repo"


c:\> mkdir documentation
c:\> cd documentation
c:\documentation> git clone "//MainServer/Shared/TechDocumentation"
c:\documentation> cd TechDocumentation

The remaining examples will assume that you are located at the root of the cloned directory, unless otherwise stated.

Now, setup the node project and respond to the prompts.

npm init

Edit the package.json to add a scripts section after the main. These files do not exist yet, but they serve as an example to how you can build your structure. You can write each section separately and then piece them together by including each one. For example, we can have a header, section1 and section2. The header is in the root folder and the sections are in the sectionName folder.

Most likely there is a test script already in the scripts section of the package file. You can either ignore it or delete it. It is not used in this project, because this is for building documentation.

If you desire, you can create different variations or editions to the documentation piece together different parts for different target audiences. A build-doc-working version was added to show this example in building a document for editing or working purposes. In this example the Table of Contents and the header section were both removed.

Also added to the scripts section are the version management scripts. These will allow you to run a command like npm run ver-major. All the included options are the major, minor, path and even a version reset.

  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "build-doc": "pandoc -o tech-doc-manual.pdf -S -s --toc ./main/header.md ./main/requirements.md ./main/initProject.md ./main/buildStructure",
    "build-other-doc": "pandoc -o tech-doc-manual-editing.pdf -S -s ./sectionName/section1.md ./sectionName/section2.md",
    "ver-major": "npm version major",
    "ver-minor": "npm version minor",
    "ver-patch": "npm version patch",
    "ver-reset": "npm version \"0.0.1\" --force"

Create a batch file to run the script and build the document. To update the files included in the document, you will need to update the build-doc script in the package file. The batch file just makes it easy to have an icon to click to run it. Paste the following command into the new batch file. You can also type the following to run the script.

npm run build-doc

If you run the batch file and you see an npm-debug.log file instead of your document file, most likely one of the files could not be found. Check your filenames and paths.

Add a .gitignore to the root structure and put in node_modules/** to ignore installed libraries. These are not needed because the required libraries are specified in your package file. Be sure to install any libraries using the save switch. npm install --save library-name