
A Quantum Computer Simulator written in Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started

Running Tests

QuantumComputer.jl$ julia
julia> ]
pkg> activate .
pkg> test


The shor15 and grover example scripts should run well on a modern laptop with 16gb of RAM (if grover won't run to completion, remove the last element - 12 - from the list). To get shor21 to work on a 16gb computer, I had to pre-build all the required gates in a very specific order and cache them to disk, programatically, one at a time. I suppose I could write a script to do this so that others wishing to do the same on limited hardware can experience the glory of Beauregard's circuit on 13 qubits. I was running a WSL VM inside Windows, so if you were to put something like Debian slim on bare metal you could probably build shor21 without pre-computation with 16gb.

examples$ ./grover.sh | tee my.log
examples$ cat my.log
examples$ diff -u my.log grover.txt

examples$ ./shor15.sh # etc

Documentation for the source code.